Democrats also concerned about Iran sanctions enforcement

However, the legislation will have to be rigorously enforced to be fully effective. The State Department’s record on enforcement of the existing Iran Sanctions Act is abysmal. We will need to hold their feet to fire through strong oversight and tough hearings.Sounds great. There's only one small problem: The President is the Commander-in-Chief and the US cannot bomb Iran without his say-so.
We should also recognize that, as strong as this bill is, there are other measures that may prove necessary to increase the pressure on Iran’s leaders to the point where they abandon the dream to possess nuclear weapons. This should not be viewed as Congress’ last word on Iran sanctions. If it takes more to succeed, then we should be willing to do more in Congress to isolate Iran.
What could go wrong?
P.S. Hope someone fixed the tefillin on the head so that the box is centered....
Don't worry. I'm sure Rabbi Mordy (the guy on the left in the picture, Rabbi Mordechai Einbeinder of Chabad of Tarzana) made sure it was straight after he finished adjusting the shel yad.
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