US could find itself in Lebanon when Iran goes nuclear

The scenario was played out by former diplomats, military men and academicians, each of whom represented a top decision maker in the countries involved. U.S. President Barack Obama was played by Dan Kurtzer, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel. Israel's Prime Minister was played by former Ambassador to Washington Zalman Shoval, and the 'Defense Minister was Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eitan Ben-Eliyahu.President Obumbler undoubtedly believes that he won't have to commit any troops if Iran goes nuclear.
The simulation began with an opening scenario that was presented to the participants and to which they were asked to respond. The second round of the simulation was based upon the results of the previous round's interaction between the participants, as well as an additional imaginary event. All together, four different complex scenarios were played out.
The simulation's 40 participants played 20 countries and international bodies. The simulations showed the world reacting in a relatively moderate way to Iran's crossing the nuclear threshold. The U.S. would assemble a multinational force, it was predicted, and enter Lebanon.
In charge of the simulation was Prof. Alex Mintz, who said in the concluding session that “the main goal of the game was to examine what would happen if Iran had proven military nuclear capability. The simulation held today was a continuation of the simulation held several months ago at Harvard University, which reached two conclusions: meaningful advances by Iran en route to the nuclear bomb, and true concern of a diplomatic crisis between the US and Israel.”
What could go wrong?
The Lebanon scenario sounds like a Tom Clancy plot.
But then again, flying an airplane into a U.S. government building was a Tom Clancy plot, too.
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