Iraq shows its appreciation

The foreign ministers of Iraq, Lebanon and Syria supported Iran's nuclear work, calling for Israel to be stripped off its nuclear arsenal. Israel is believed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal. Iran refuses to recognize Israel.Thousands of Americans have given their lives in Iraq so that this guy could be foreign minister?
"Israel should let U.N. inspectors to visit its nuclear facilities," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari told the conference, state TV reported.
What a waste.
Part of the reason Iraq has slid into the Irano-Syrian camp is the US refusal to back Iraq on the issue of Syrian-sponsored terrorism. America's Arab allies are seeing the US make deals with Damascus. So why should they left to hung out to dry in the Obami wind? Obumbler's foreign policy is losing America its friends. And it shouldn't be surprised why that is happening.
As much as I would like to believe NormanF, I cannot.
Right at the beginning of this Iraq war, in 2003, the Americans opened the border with Iran. In God's name why? Surely they had enough problems without that! They invited in Grand Ayatollah Sistani and that mullah Sadr who created mass-murder and mayhem. They would not listen to the British.
Also I would like to say, knowing a little of the history of that area, Iran has always considered Iraq as Iranian territory. The very word "iraq" means river plains in Persian, Baghdad is the name of a Persian who built the settlement that was to become the city.
The majority of people follow the Shia islam. the prime minister of Iraq, before the election, is Shia.
I would really love to know what was going through George W Bumbler's goverment's mind - apart from oil- at this time!!
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