Checks and balances

“Bibi has the support of Congress. It is solid. It is secure," - Nita Lowey, backing a foreign prime minister in a dispute with her own president.And Congress should back the 'foreign prime minister' when the President is behaving despicably and the foreign prime minister is the prime minister of the US's Democratic ally whom he is trying to bully.
Isn't that what checks and balances are all about?
Netanyahu does have wherewithal to stand up to Obama. Over 300 members of Congress back Israel.
And you can never really lose in a fight on principle, no matter how much the Dan Kurtzers of the world say you can be "flexible" about Jerusalem.
Plain and simple, when it comes to Jews there are no checks and balances.
Checks and balances are only for other people. When will we get this through our heads?
The epicenter of why Israel is treated different stems from the oldest most evil hatred of all time.
Would you expect any less from Andrew. Perhaps a hook nosed photo... as he has done before and then retracted out of ignorance=) It was quite sad to see him doing his 180 on Israel, although it fits with his worship at the foot of Obama.
I'm curious though. He states Israel has turned nationalistic, militaristic, and religious. Doesn't sound to good for gays? Why, Carl, I was shocked to just read about the pluralistic nature of Israeli society vis-a-vis gays... including military service. Perhaps Sullivan can detail how Palestinian gays seek refuge in the Jewish state. First, I'm sure he will detail the Israeli rescue efforts in Hati which he strangely missed=)
Note Sullivan's example of Nita Lowey, a Jewish member of congress, but his neglect of the majority non-Jewish members of congress signing the letter. No mention is made of the pro-Israeli speeches on the house floor in recent days by these Christian members of congress, often with great passion, urgency and frequency. I've followed this closely and it's the first statement in recent weeks by Lowey, yet Sullivan uses Mrs. Lowey; why is that? I wonder.
Lip service. Yes they support Israel , Yes, they believe in Israel's right to defend itself... so what? It doesn't appear that anyone in Congress has much of an influence on B. Hussein. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Khalidi, these are the people who have shaped the ideas in you-know-who.
i do not understand sullivan's stance on the middle east
here is a guy who went full bore on the war in iraq
yet he supports the palis?
and hate to tell andrew this, but he is supporting regimes that believe he should be put to death for his lifestyle
bacci40 said...
here is a guy who went full bore on the war in iraq
Sullivan is an antisemite! Having said that, everyone, even Bush painted a picture that while Jews were being blown apart by Palestinians it was because of occupation, etc.,etc.
The war on terror and Israel being terrorized were made into two very separate entities!
Bush himself stated there can be no peace in the ME until Palestinians are given contiguous, viable and for sure nothing which resembles swiss chess statehood. He may have said it for political reasons cause the dogs were biting at his feet but now we have one who really believes it and nothing will stop him or those who support him from the last final rape of Israel.
Like David Landau, the former editor of Haaretz.
And Israel's Hebrew Palestinian daily is not beneath recommending that Israel "enjoy" being raped - for her own good, of course.
On the other side, Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA writes today's its not a "capital crime" for Israel to have its own policy.
Israel's voters did elect a government with a platform and a certain worldview, that among other things, pledged Israel's sovereignty over a United Jerusalem. Now, its one thing if the Obama Administration urged Israelis to elect a government more to its liking. Its another story altogether to use threats and coercion to get a democratically-elected government to change its position for no good reason.
Its here. Read it all.
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