A once great blogger sinks even lower
One-time anti-jihadi blogger Charles Johnson has reached a new low. He has compared Glenn Beck to Hitler.
I don't know about the rest of you, but what bothers me more than anything else is the way Charles' fan club immediately dings him up no matter what he says. What remains there is a cult of people who are incapable of thinking for themselves (or of expressing any thoughts that disagree with Charles' out of fear of being banned). And while that comment was +16 when it was screen captured, I'll bet it ended up much more than that (I refuse to give him the traffic by going over there to see where it ended up).
And many more people read a comment than rate it....
Wow. Just... wow.
Can he sink any lower? Sadly, I am sure that he can and will. He has already ruined his reputation, but chooses to continue. How anyone can post there now beggars belief.
And BTW, Yom Huledet Sameach! Happy birthday! May you live to 120!
Makes be glad that I am one of the banned now.
He really needs to get back on his meds.
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