The Mossad's mistake?

Moshe Feiglin says that the uproar over the liquidation of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - allegedly by the Mossad -
is not going away.
Somebody in the Mossad and the echelon that authorized the Mabhouh mission is still living in the eighties. They didn't notice that the Western world, and particularly the British, no longer sees Israel as the good guy in the story. For them, Mabhouh is a freedom fighter.
If you didn't notice, Israel's most senior ministers are wanted in Europe's capitals for war crimes. No need for sophisticated electronics. All that you have to do is open your eyes to reality. If Israel's leaders are wanted for crimes against humanity, what does that say about our country? In the eyes of much of the world, Israel is no more than a pirate ship sailing on borrowed time.
The world has changed, ladies and gentlemen. Israel can no longer expect the international community to wink its eye and look the other way.
To the esteemed Meir Dagan. Please turn off your computer and your telephones - and think for a moment about Israel's place in the world today.
For once, I hope that Moshe is wrong. But having read parts of the Goldstone Report, it's very difficult to argue with him.
I am no fan of Feiglin, but he is right here, the world has changed. I believe unfortunatly that the world is becomeing more vocal against Israel and Jews. Maybe the reason is that they know that their time is actually running out, not Israels. The G-d of Israel will allow them to continue to a point. But not to worry. Shiloh
Since Israel is going to be condemned no matter what it does?
Do something...
Take out Assad, Mr Dinnerjacket & Nasrallah...
Use large bunker busters....
and ADMIT IT....
in fact take pride in it...
you really think it will HURT israel's image?
Feiglin has a point. But the Eurabians in particular always hated Israel, because we're the ones that got away. Remember that the Mandate Brits, at the behest of the the Arabs, prevented Jews escaping the horrors of Europe from alighting on the shores of our homeland. So, it really doesn't matter, whether Israel acts in self-defense, as in response to the incessant rocket attacks on Israeli civilians or eliminates murderous thugs like Mabhouh. Israel - Jews - will always be the target of hate and labeled the guilty party.
I do not quite understand what Feigin wants to achieve with this criticism. Does he suggest that the Mossad completely ceased operations to eliminate terrorists only because the bosses in Brussels do not like that anymore?
Europe has become Eurabia and it reacts accordingly to anything Israel does. What's the Feigin's idea? What Mossad should do?
With all due respect to Moshe Feiglin, this has been true since the 1970s. Europe has been pro-Arab for a long time and Israel can expect to get little to no understanding from them. As far as the uproar over forged passports go, there is no proof Israel was involved and Israel owes Europe no accounting for its activities. Its after all, a sovereign country.
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