US continues to hammer an ally

The U.S. has formally recognized the November presidential election, and the State Department tells us it also recognizes the congress's second vote to remove Mr. Zelaya. So what's the problem?The Obama administration's treatment of a democratic ally is despicable. I hope the Netanyahu government is watching, because when the 'negotiations' with the 'Palestinians' fall apart, we are likely to get similar treatment.
It appears that State's pettiness still flows from the refusal of interim president Roberto Micheletti and his cabinet, from June to December, to cave to the U.S. demand that they reinstate Mr. Zelaya. In earlier acts of pique, State stripped the U.S. visas of Mr. Micheletti, his advisers and cabinet officials and even the entire Honduran Supreme Court. Last week it yanked more visas from members of the interim government.
Insofar as Mr. Micheletti is leaving office January 27, the only explanations for this pistol-whipping would appear to be: Don't mess with Uncle Sam's regional agenda, which since April's Summit of the Americas includes overtures to Hugo Chávez, Raúl Castro and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega.
A day after the latest U.S. slap, Mr. Micheletti said he'll withdraw from public appearances for the remainder of his term. "I am going home to my house, for the peace of the nation and because I do not want to be an obstacle to the new government," he said.
Meanwhile, also under pressure from the U.S., President-elect Lobo said last week he will let Mr. Zelaya go to the Dominican Republic despite legal charges pending against him. The U.S. has been lobbying for a "get out of jail free" card for Mr. Zelaya. Mr. Lobo no doubt wants the foreign aid tap turned back on, so this arrangement benefits both sides. Prediction: Mr. Zelaya will join the Chávez network to make constant trouble for the region's democracies. And his U.S. visa will remain intact.
What could go wrong?
IF negotiations with the Palestinians actually ever happen. I wouldn't worry about it as long as Obama is President.
Some say Obama is the "Manchurian Candidate." I'm not sure of that but I am beginning to think he is pretty damn close.
Look at it this way, the king makers on the hard far left exalted him to a position of commander in chief of some kind of wannabe Utopian socialist society. They used him knowing the public would fall for this young, educated, radical handsome African American (more white then black but no one would admit it) The populace eagerly fell into a kind of hypnotic trance cheering their false G-d on all along the way. In the mean time, Obama enjoying his savior status rather than really working for the people, he screwed the people.
Even when Obama spoke in job ravished Ohio last week the crowds cheered in an eerily frightening sort of way. Bereft of jobs anywhere and Obama spoke of wind generators batteries and green jobs...just around the corner (as though tomorrow the cheering crowd would wake up and all their misery would be behind them.) The crowd cheered in their trance like stance because they are in some kind of a self imposed blindness not will to see it was Obama who took their jobs away.
To quote Orwell
"Don't bother me with facts. Don't disturb me with complexities. Don't try to make me think. Ignorance is strength."
This is where we are.
Obama can hammer allies, give the finger to Israel, kiss the hinies of terrorists, communists, hard core socialists and he can do it all while he does nothing about Iran. This is the consequence of power gone mad.
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