State Department leaves Mitchell twisting in the wind

"I know that Senator Mitchell's interview with Charlie Rose last week caused some angst in various quarters perhaps in Israel. Just to clarify this, he wasn't signaling any, you know, particular course of action," Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley said.Heh.
"Mitchell was simply asked a question with an historical context. You know, are there sticks that are available? And I think he mentioned that this is a step that the United States has taken in the past," Crowley said Monday.
"He wasn't signaling that this is something that we're forecasting in the future. You know, but it is - it obviously is something that we have in our toolbox. It's not that we're out, you know, wielding that particular tool at this particular time."
"The reason why Senator Mitchell is in the region or in Europe this week and he will meet with Israeli officials while he's in Europe - have other meetings as we go forward - is expressly to continue to push, you know, the parties and all who are supporting this process, to get the negotiation restarted as quickly as possible where we can," added Crowley. "... Put all the issues on the table and see if we can, you know, move towards a comprehensive peace in the Middle East."
"So this was simply, you know, George Mitchell commenting on a matter of history," he concluded."
If Obama can't say no to anyone else, why should he be able to say no to Israel?
I count 6 "you knows" there
They didn't completely disavow Mitchell on this, and gave him a backhand support by saying "its a tool in our arsenal, but we aren't leading with it."
Which means its less likely they left him to twist, and more likely that they said "here, float this turd, and lets see their reaction." Gives them cover to say "no we didn't mean NOW", which is what they said.
Gotta hand it to the Obama administration. Their incompetence is matched and exceeded only by their hubris and arrogance. They think they are, and are being led by, the smartest guys in the room. When you look at the total picture, you look at what they have caused abject failures in ... the list too long to go into here ... you realize that not only aren't they very smart, but their hubris and arrogance gets in the way of them learning. So that a terrible president might have a chance to become less terrible by learning from their mistakes. This one doesn't appear to have that capability.
One can only hope that this is correct.
How much more damage can he do in his remaining 1100 days? Anyone want to bet on WWIV getting started, with us on the wrong side?
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