Obama's rainbows

And who will tell Obama that in seeking a two-state solution, he is chasing the rainbow? Where is the person who - like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen's tale who saw the emperor was not wearing any clothes - will tell the U.S. president that the two-state solution, at least for now, is an impossible dream, and that if he continues to pursue this dream he is in for more disappointment? It is not going to be any of his advisers, who urged him to demand a total freeze on building in Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem - thus making it possible for Abbas to stall on any negotiations with Israel. It is not going to be Obama's friends at J Street. And Netanyahu has evidently decided to play along, rather than confront Obama with alternate ideas.No one is going to tell Obama that the 'peace process' has no clothes. Not even - as Arens points out - Prime Minister Netanyahu. And neither King Abdullah nor any other Jordanian king is going to negotiate on the 'Palestinians' behalf - it would only serve to highlight that Jordan is 70% 'Palestinian' while the 'royal family' is not.
What might these ideas be? The grain of an idea appeared the other day when Abbas suggested that the United States negotiate with Israel in his place. That, of course, won't lead anywhere. But how about Jordan negotiating in Abbas' stead? That would return some symmetry to the intractable problem, and correct the present asymmetry that continues to haunt the situation.
What could go wrong?
Chasing rainbows,indeed!
Of course the end of the real rainbow will come when the world stops pushing Israel and declares the Palestinians, terrorists and irrelevant as partners in peace.
So just because Obama and those before chased rainbows does not mean rainbow chasing will end.
There is no way in G-d's earth Obama and company will wash their hands of this matter. In the end the expectation for peace falls squarely on Israel. History has been remade after all. Face it, we all know the expectation is a false illusion but an expectation set in stone just the same.
I hope I am very wrong but I think the one two punch is yet to come.
Good luck trying to resurrect the peace process. No one has the courage to the tell the truth that peace isn't possible today because the Arabs don't want it. That would not be politically correct so every one keeps wasting time and effort on something that will never be - and which is as chimerical as the unicorn.
I know that this is easy for me to say and is just as likely to happen as a successful peace process but imio, the courageous thing to do would be to terminate the discourse and declare Eretz Israel a Jewish state. If it is the goal of the international community to see progress on this front, then there it is - progress. At least it would be honest progress. In truth, the Palestinians already have a state - Jordan, where they are already a majority. Let them pursue their rights there. If the Palestinians had wanted peace at any time in the past, they would have had it. The ongoing charade only works against them as Arab and European positions become more and more intransigent against Israel.
Or, they (U.S. and Europe) can continue to throw money at Palestinian leaders to grow their retirement accounts and fund the outrageous villas. That seems to be working perfectly.
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