Grooming children to be suicide bombers

I've run stories before about 'Palestinians' raising
children to be suicide bombers. What's different - and maybe even shocking - about this story is that the kids involved aren't 'Palestinians' and the story doesn't take place in the Middle East. These kids are
Police have identified children as young as seven being groomed for terrorism, with some expressing a wish to become suicide bombers.
Up to 10 primary school pupils, aged between seven and 10, have been placed on a government outreach programme for individuals considered at risk of being radicalised and turning to violence.
Some have taken inspiration from jihadi websites or after viewing extremist material in Islamic bookshops.
One child was referred to the programme by his teacher after writing on a school book: “I want to be a suicide bomber.”
Other youngsters were identified by their parents after suddenly adopting traditional Muslim dress or espousing extremist views.
At least 228 people, mostly teenagers and young men aged 15-24, have been referred to the anti-terrorism Channel project after being singled out as “potentially vulnerable to violent extremism”.
“For people to be identified there have to be distinct changes in behaviour and warning signs,” said Craig Denholm, deputy chief constable of Surrey police who oversees the programme. “We assess each one on its own merits. There is a very small number of children aged seven, eight and nine.”
And how many more potential Muslim suicide bombers are they not catching? What could go wrong?
Carl - probably a lot more we don't know. That's why Muslim immigration presents such a grave security risk for the West.
And that's why its in denial.
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