Claims: Iranian nuke physicist a Moussavi supporter, US and Israel behind assassination

State media identified the victim as Masoud Ali Mohammadi, 50, a professor at Tehran University, which has been at the center of recent protests by student opposition supporters. Before the election, pro-reform Web sites published Ali Mohammadi's name among a list of 240 Tehran University teachers who supported Mousavi.That fits with my report earlier on Tuesday that Mohammadi had been arrested shortly after the election.
The Iranian regime is blaming the United States and Israel for the killing.
The government blamed the rare assassination on an armed Iranian opposition group that it said operated under the direction of Israel and the U.S. Iran often accuses the two countries of meddling in its affairs — both when it comes to postelection unrest and its nuclear program. Israel's Foreign Ministry had no comment.But if Mohammadi was a Moussavi supporter, he apparently 'repented.'
A spokesman for the atomic agency, Ali Shirzadian, told The Associated Press that Ali Mohammadi had no link with the agency responsible for Iran's contentious nuclear program. Iran is under pressure from the United States and its European allies, which suspect Tehran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies that.
"He was not involved in the country's nuclear program," Shirzadian said of the victim.
The Basij said Ali Mohammadi also taught at the Imam Hossein and Malek Ashtar universities, both linked to the Revolutionary Guard.Here's a picture from the scene on Tuesday morning. Seems pretty thorough.

JPost adds:
Reflecting the internal tension that grew out of election, hard-line government supporters called at recent street rallies for the execution of opposition leaders.Ironically, the People's Mujahedeen, also known as the MEK, is regarded as a terror organization in the US. That may well be changing.
Ali Mohammadi, who wrote several articles on quantum and theoretical physics in scientific journals, was not a well-known figure in Iran.
He was also not an outspoken or visible supporter of Iran's opposition movement during the months of turmoil that have followed the election, though his name did appear on the list of professors who backed Mousavi before the vote. That list was published on several pro-reform Web sites in the weeks leading up to the vote.
The semiofficial Mehr news agency quoted a Tehran University official as saying Ali Mohammadi was not involved in any political activity.
"The prominent professor was not a political figure and had no activity in the field of politics," Mehr quoted Ali Moqari, head of the university's science department, as saying.
Iran also directed suspicion at the exiled opposition group the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran. One conservative Iranian Web site close to the ruling establishment said the group carried out the attack under direction of Israeli agents.
The Tabnak site, which carried the report, is closely associated with Mohsen Rezaei, who serves on an advisory body to the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rezaei was the only conservative candidate to challenge hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the election.
The People's Mujahedeen, however, denied any involvement in the killing.
Today an important step will be taken in determining whether an injustice created nearly two decades ago by our executive branch will be corrected by our judicial branch. At issue is a challenge, before the U.S. Court of Appeals, which will hear oral arguments on the issue, to the Secretary of State’s refusal to revoke the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) designation of the main Iranian opposition group, known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) or People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI). The outcome of the Court’s decision can affect a foreign policy with Iran, which, under the two U.S. Presidents in office since the FTO listing, has remained toothless. Making the right decision to revoke MEK’s FTO status now would tell Iran the era of appeasement is over.Read the whole thing.
Founded in 1965 by progressive Muslim intellectuals, MEK’s early objectives ran contrary to those of the U.S. While U.S. interests focused on keeping an ally—the Shah—in power, MEK’s focus was on toppling him. As such, in the early 1970s, MEK’s top leadership were killed or arrested under a massive nationwide crackdown by the Shah’s secret police. What original leadership survived was released from prison weeks prior to the Shah’s fall. MEK’s popular network took part in the 1979 movement to turn him out and usher the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in. But it did not take long to realize the mullahs’ extremism undermined the democratic, post-Shah Iran MEK had envisioned. For example, MEK’s view Muslim women were equal was rejected by Khomeini, who removed women from positions of authority, claiming they lacked the brain capacity of their male counterparts.
Soon the differences between Khomeini and MEK leadership turned violent. In 1981, MEK-led peaceful demonstrations against Khomeini’s brutality resulted in the head mullah’s orders to shoot protesters in the streets. Most of MEK’s senior cadres were executed. Its core leadership relocated to Paris, where it re-asserted the group’s influence.
He was PARTICLE physicist (NOT a nuclear physicist) and Iran's atomic agency has denied him being involved in the nuclear program.
This is nothing but an assassination by the regimes intelligence apparatus.
Yep...just another "blame it on the Jews" opportunity.
Which reminds me Karl...have you looked at the latest news whereby some people are saying that the Taliban are one of the Israel lost tribes? This following shortly on the heals of saying that Ahmadinejad comes from a Jewish family.
I think we are seeing the begining of a massive disinformation campaign geared to deflecting the accusations against Islam towards Jews instead. Think about it, if people can blame Israel and the Jews for the trouble in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iran, that pretty much takes care of all the worst hot spots in the world. And all because of the Jews.
Handy, no?
when in doubt, add more explosives.
may I say that if it was the Mossad then well done to them, but if this was an internal Iranian issue... may both sides be very succesfull in their future asasination attempts
Its questionable whether Israel was behind it.
But they'll go ahead and blame the Joos' anyway.
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