Jews who won't fight for themselves

Why don't Jews support those who support them? Last week, on December 13, Stop the Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) held a protest rally in what can be described only as an Islamic fortress in the heart of Harrow, England. I strongly urged Jews to attend. Islamic anti-Semitism is more poisonous and more dangerous than even Nazism was to the Jews. The promise of Jewish genocide is made "sacred" by Islamic texts such as the one in which Muhammad says that the end times will not come until the Muslims kill the Jews -- and the Jews hide behind trees, which then cry out, "O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."I have two words: Peter Bergson (pictured at the top). Jewish history is replete with personalities in leadership positions who were unwilling to admit that Jews were in danger.
The SIOE demonstration was against the building of a mosque there, as well as the larger issues of the advance of Sharia and Islamization in the United Kingdom. SIOE pointed out the words of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan: "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers ..."
Political parties, racist chanting, banners and placards, and totalitarian symbols such as Nazi swastikas, communist hammer and sickles, and the Islamic star and crescent were banned. The initial announcement of the demonstration asked those attending to bring one thousand Israeli flags, and said: "SIOE supports Israel's right to defend itself against Islamist attempts to annihilate Jews." SIOE called on Jews living in London or within traveling distance of London to attend the demonstration, saying that "vile anti-Semitism is being preached in mosques across the world and almost certainly the one in your neighbourhood. ... Non-Jews are demonstrating on 13th December against th anti-Semitism being taught in mosques which goes unchallenged by politicians, the media and so-called 'moderate' Muslims. Jews cannot, in all conscience, leave it to non-Jews to protest on the behalf of Jews who are once again the world's whipping boy."
But they did.
Bergson fought the methods of those who who said they were working quietly (and mostly ineffectively) to save Jews during World War II. He fought openly and sometimes bombastically to bring the issue of trapped European Jews to the forefront. Unfortunately, most of the Jewish world wouldn't listen to him either.
I know little of the SIOE - the group whom Pamela is defending. In fact, I never heard of them until I saw them on Pamela's blog last week. I know enough about the BNP to know that I staunchly oppose them. But the agenda of building a mosque in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood is very clear to me. And the SIOE and the BNP are apparently not one and the same.
Read the whole thing.
I especially invite my readers in England to comment.
Jews in Europe are in denial like they were in denial before World War II. And its going to lead to a catastrophe for them.
If I were in England, I wouldn't have gone to the protest.
I would pack my bags and come to Israel. England is a goner.
Just as an aside, Harrow (where the mosque is to be built) is a working class neighborhood, but it is not a particularly a Jewish neighborhood. I was just there in August, so I speak from experience!
I continue to think that if the Western govts would enforce the laws already enacted, they wouldn't have to single out "Islamization" as a factor. A problem with law enforcement seems to be that intimidation works in getting the govt not to enforce the laws. So, if there are imported Sharia positions advocated that countermand existing laws, the govt backs down and allows unlawful actions. The same thing is happening along the US/Mexico border with the drug cartels fighting govt agencies (police and military) in the streets.
Peter Bergson is the most important person for Jewish Jews to remember about Shoah. Most of Americas Jews were indifferent, having gentile grandkids, worshipping FDR etc. Most of Americas Jews today are even worse.
The truth is that the best Jews were killed, and because of the founder effect the Jews most predisposed to assimilation came to America Canada and England
As a British Jew who's looking to make Aliya, allow me give my personal opinion on the state of things in the UK.
Many have cast their lot with multiculturalism despite the average British Jew being more politically conservative then his American Jewish counterparts, even some Rabbi's who should know better have invested much on interfaith with the muslim community. Though many see Jewish communities generally in decline, replaced by a growing muslim community, there is no great sense of urgency in leaving the UK despite a number of Jews desiring to make Aliya at this time though that may change in the near future.
I believe it would have been pointless to have gone to the protest despite generally agreeing with SIOE (from what I know of them) since in the end, as Shy Guy says it’s too little too late for England.
SIOE might have had more success in presenting itself as non-racist to others if they made inroads into other non-muslim communities that have in the past or recently been oppressed by muslims (such as Sikhs, Hindu’s, Thai, Filipino, Nigerian Christian / Animist, etc) prior to the recent protest if they haven’t already done so.
I see that Red Tulips got in before me. As an ex-Brit I can confirm that Harrow is not a Jewish neighbourhood so the Jews probably felt "this is not our problem". Furthermore, the British Jewish community is completely different to the American Jewish community. British Jews, rightly or wrongly, tend to keep a very low profile. They are a tiny community, barely a quarter of a million people, and British society is MUCH more antisemitic than American society which in general is pretty pro-Israel and pro-Jewish. All of which goes to make the Jews feel they'll keep out of any arguments that don't directly affect them. And it's irrelevant that a mosque might preach anti-Semitism. If it's not in a Jewish neighbourhood the Jews will keep out of the fight.
Jews in America are also in denial.
Every time there is a jihadi attack in AMERICA some jinos (even a few M.O. rabbis) rush up to the microphone.
"its not about jihad! We must invite them to our shuls so we can sing together and they can check out our security status!"
And don't even get my started about jino obeisance to Øgabe.
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