Chicago Pakistani scouted Indian nuclear plant
Pakistani-born David Headley, who scouted the Chabad center in Mumbai for the Pakistani terrorists who murdered six people there last year, also scouted an Indian nuclear weapons plant with a view to attacking the plant (Hat Tip: Jihad Watch).
The Bhabha Atomic Research Center in Tromboy is capable of producing 66 pounds of plutonium a year for four the country's nuclear weapons, according to David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security.Can you imagine if they had released nuclear energy and killed a few hundred thousand people? I know that India is technically a proliferator as far as much of the world is concerned, but on humanitarian grounds they should be helped to do a better job of protecting that plant. If Israel has one, at least it's located in a desert.
"You would have had one helluva international crisis if they had taken control of the facility and caused some kind of accident with a serious release of radioactive material," said Albright.
"There have always been questions about India's nuclear security and because it's located on the water and not far from Mumbai, it would be a logical target," added Albright.
The impact of such an attack would depend on the quality of the attacking force and their objective, said Lt. Steve Margolis of the Los Angeles Police Department, the former head of the department's anti-terror unit.
"It depends on what they were trying to achieve. Were they intending immediate panic, were they intending creating a loss of confidence in India's nuclear program? Were they looking for potential release / exposure?," said Margolis.
Let's continue to pretend that the jihad isn't our collective enemy, eh Barack? What could go wrong?
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