Stay classy Hillary

I think that, look, we all know that the Israeli-Palestinian issue is one that is a very serious and difficult problem that we are working hard also to try to resolve. We inherited a lot of problems. If you remember, when my husband left office, we were very close to an agreement because he worked on it all the time. The next administration did not make it a priority and did not really do much until toward the end. And unfortunately, we are trying to make up for some lost time, in my opinion.At the link above, Paul Mirengoff shows why Clinton's claim is factually incorrect.
But frankly, the Obama administration's "Blame Bush" strategy is tired and lame. The current impasse has nothing to do with Bush and everything to do with Obama and Clinton providing Abu Mazen with a ladder to climb a tall tree (an absolute 'settlement freeze' including 'east Jerusalem') and then pulling that ladder away when Prime Minister Netanyahu refused to follow him.
Stay classy Hillary.
Much of the Administration's difficulties can be ascribed to a position that was untenable from the start. It enraged both sides and found itself without a "peace process" to push along. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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