Howard Berman revises his resolution

There are two changes. The first one is designed to concede that Judge Goldstone attempted to change his commission's mandate to a more neutral one, but nevertheless continues to insist that no change in the mandate was legally made (which is true).
The second change is a doozer. Here's the full paragraph with the changes highlighted in bold:
(3) calls on the President and the Secretary of State to continue to strongly and unequivocally oppose any endorsement of the `Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict’ in multilateral fora, including through leading opposition to any United Nations General Assembly resolution and through vetoing, if necessary, any United Nations Security Council resolution that endorses the contents of this report, seeks to act upon the recommendations contained in this report, or calls on any other international body to take further action regarding this report.Do you have the impression that given the opportunity, the Obama administration just might do something other than what Berman has in mind, and that Berman knows it?
Just curious....
Maybe. But Goldstone is not going to lead to peace in the Middle East. Just the exact opposite.
The resolution passed 344-36, with 22 voting Present and 30 not voting.
Here are the nay votes from the anti-Israel crowd. Remember these names. Work to get them out of office:
Democrats (33!):
Brian Baird, Tammy Baldwin, Earl Blumenauer, Lois Capps, André Carson, Yvette Clarke, William Clay, John Dingell, Lloyd Doggett, Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, Bob Filner, Raul Grijalva, Maurice Hinchey, Eddie Johnson, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Lee, Stephen Lynch, Betty McCollum, Jim McDermott, James McGovern, George Miller, James Moran, John Olver, Ed Pastor, David Price, Nick Rahall, Vic Snyder, Pete Stark, Maxine Waters, Melvin Watt, Lynn Woolsey
Republicans (3):
Charles Boustany, Geoff Davis, Ron Paul
You make it sound like Obama and his administration cannot be trusted...what in G-d's name ever gave you that idea?!!!!
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