America's confusion

Being confused about what's right and what's wrong and what's good and what's evil is how you end up with a Barack Obama as President or an Ehud Olmert as Prime Minister. Israel elected Prime Minister Netanyahu in March, and until today I thought he at least had moral clarity. The proposed mass release of terrorists is making me wonder how much moral clarity Netanyahu has. But in the meantime, here's
how you end up with Obama.
We have carved out for our culture and ourselves categories that are completing meaningless in and of themselves to whitewash the notions of reality before our eyes, realities such as good and evil. In the days following 9/11, many of us thought a lot was morally clarified; that for the first time in a generation, the true hand of evil and the true face of evil could be seen for what they were, without psycho-babble, without moral unseriousness, without politically correct norms, without the language of mush. And we, in fact were there. It didn’t last. We have a Muslim terrorist, who called for jihad, who shouted “Alahu Akbar” as he was killing unarmed soldiers in a health center, who had cards made up that said “Solider of Allah,” who spoke of pouring boiling oil down the throats of infidels, who has regular correspondence with a radical imam who preached to 9/11 terrorists...and, and, and, and we call it not terrorism but a “killing spree” as if that was and not a terrorist trying to kill as many Americans as possible for political motives.
Read the whole thing.
Americans are trying to persuade themselves what happened at Fort Hood was an aberration. 9/11 didn't teach them anything about the danger they're faced with - which shows no sign of disappearing anytime soon.
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