Why the Holocaust still matters

But in concentrating on the prime minister's preamble, critics overlook the deeper connections between the Holocaust and his subsequent themes. Recognizing the murder of six million Jews more than six decades ago is, in fact, vital for understanding the supreme dangers posed to six million Jews in Israel today by a nuclear Iran and by the Goldstone Report. Reasserting the factuality of the Holocaust is a prerequisite for peace.Useful idiot MJ Rosenberg slams Oren.
Many factors contributed to the Holocaust--European anti-Semitism, mass murder technologies, and Allied indifference--but none more elemental than the Jews' inability to defend themselves. Israel and its citizen Defense Forces represent the most palpable means for redressing that incapacity.
Accordingly, denying the Holocaust not only deprives Israel of its raison d'être, but, more nefariously still, it invalidates the Jews' need to defend themselves. So, the Iranian leader proceeds to arm Hamas and Hezbollah and produce nuclear weapons while claiming that the Jews of Israel--like those of 1940s Europe--have nothing to fear. But Ahmadinejad does not stop short at merely deeming the Holocaust a "fairy tale;" rather, he portrays Israel as a Nazi state--guilty of perpetrating the very offenses against the Palestinians that the Nazis never did to the Jews.
Where Ahmadinejad leaves off, the Goldstone Report, or, as it is officially called, the “United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” persists.
The Goldstone Report goes further than Ahmadinejad and the Holocaust deniers by stripping the Jews not only of the ability and the need but of the right to defend themselves. If a country can be pummeled by thousands of rockets and still not be justified in protecting its inhabitants, then at issue is not the methods by which that country survives but whether it can survive at all. But more insidiously, the report does not only hamstring Israel; it portrays the Jews as the deliberate murderers of innocents--as Nazis. And a Nazi state not only lacks the need and right to defend itself; it must rather be destroyed.
Reading Oren, one would never know that 1,387 Palestinians (including 320 children) were killed compared to nine Israeli soldiers. Nowhere does he discuss the testimony of the Israeli soldiers who have told Goldstone, as well as Israeli groups investigating the conduct of the war, that the Israeli army repeatedly made no distinction between combatants and innocents.The numbers that Rosenberg cites are completely unverified and the number of 'Palestinians' killed as compared with the number of Israelis is irrelevant. It is not a 'war crime' to kill more of the enemy than the enemy kills of you. As to those Israeli soldiers who testified before Goldstone, they are from the group Breaking the Silence, and their testimony - which was also given in Israel - has been totally discredited as hearsay.
No, all Oren wants to do is shoot the messenger - the distinguished South African jurist, Richard Goldstone, himself Jewish - for having produced a report that "goes further than Ahmadinejad and the Holocaust deniers by stripping the Jews not only of the ability and the need but of the right to defend themselves."
What, in heaven's name, does Goldstone have to do with Ahmadinejad? Nothing.
Goldstone has everything to do with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad finances Hamas and Hezbullah, who would just as soon murder MJ Rosenberg as murder Carl in Jerusalem. But fools like Rosenberg are so caught up in their Leftist sound bytes that they are incapable of seeing that.
J Street is a bunch of self-hating Jews who wish ill upon the breathren they would like to cast out to their death.
MJ Rosenberg appears to be sad that more Jews did not die during Cast Lead, in order to "even the numbers." And he includes within the count of dead Hamas members.
He is a shonda and collaborates with the enemy, via spouting enemy propaganda.
I have always enjoyed the rank hypocricy of those (like Ahwannajihad) who deny the Shoah on one hand, while simultaneously showing admiration for Hitler and/or stating that 'Hitler gave us a good start, now let's finish the job' and/or decrying Hitler as an incompetent who didn't finish the job.
May they all burn in Hell for eternity.
Michael Oren's point is the past matters. Israel's awareness of its own history justifies its need to defend itself from an existential threat. The Holocaust is not ancient history for Jews. Iran's threats remind them why Israel is going to do whatever it takes to secure its existence regardless of what the world thinks.
Goldstone be damned. Am Yisrael Chai!
Red, MJ Rosenberg forgets to remind his readers that Gazans died only because their leadership chose to go to war against Israel. Israel only fought back - and won.
That to Israel's critics, is Israel's true sin. It matters not to them that Sderot was subjected to constant rocket barrages for over eight years and that Israel restrained itself from answering them to allow the world the chance to get Hamas to stop its attacks upon the Jewish State. That it did not do. It only woke up when Israel decided to stop the Hamas terrorism being inflicted upon it.
Israel's critics stand damned not only by their prior silence but by their blatant hypocrisy as well. They have lost the right to judge Israel for what it did in Gaza.
"Many factors contributed to the Holocaust--European anti-Semitism, mass murder technologies, and Allied indifference--but none more elemental than the Jews' inability to defend themselves."
The elephant in the blog, is the deafening silence of American Jews
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