Boycotting Israel more important than curing breast cancer
The foundation does other things beside the race, including running medical conferences and the like. They're running a conference for our region this week in Alexandria, Egypt. Unfortunately, Israeli doctors won't be allowed to attend (Hat Tip: Shy Guy).
A United States-based organization's conference on breast cancer awareness, to be hosted in Egypt, has been touted by international news networks as an example of “unprecedented cooperation” in the region. However, according to Channel 2 news, the celebration of unity may be premature, as Israeli doctors were told at the last minute that their invitations to participate had been rescinded.These people would rather let their populations die than have them be cured by Jews. And this from a country that has allegedly been at 'peace' with Israel for the last thirty years.
Israeli doctors were invited to the event as well, and several had planned to attend. However, on Sunday night, the doctors received brief notices telling them that they were no longer invited to the conference, by order of Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali.
The notices did not include an explanation of Gabali's decision.
Despite the cancellation of the Israeli presence at the event, Egyptian officials continued to praise the event as an example of regional cooperation. “The week's events are a demonstration of the cooperation between countries, governments, civil society, advocates, survivors, and the global community as a whole,” Dr. Mohammed Shaalan of Egypt's Breast Cancer Foundation told Reuters on Monday. “It shows that breast cancer has no boundaries and reveals the beauty of the world's unity in its fight against breast cancer.”
Someone remind me again why we sign 'peace treaties.'
The Egyptians are still punishing Israel for its perceived lack of support for their UNESCO candidate Farouk Hosny. In the end the only victims of their hostility to Israel are women with breast cancer throughout the Middle East.
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