Stop Netanyahu now

Yet what’s there to endorse? In ideological terms, if we can even talk about Netanyahu and ideology in the same sentence, the man is already beyond the point of no return. A complete collapse. Any connection between his past principles and his current actions is completely coincidental.Funny, I warned of the same thing two years ago.
The notion of reciprocity for example; that same old catchy and sanctified notion from the previous decade. What has remained of it? Mahmoud Abbas gave Netanyahu a big fat nothing for the past six months, and in exchange got a pledge for the establishment of a Palestinian state. Throughout the summer, the Palestinian leader did not bother to meet with our PM, yet he was still granted a deep construction freeze.
Netanyahu finds it difficult to stay committed even to his up-to-date principles as presented in the Bar-Ilan speech. He pledged to allow natural growth in Judea and Samaria, yet now he coordinates the construction of every new balcony with US special envoy Mitchell. Even in the most difficult days of the Ottoman Empire we did not see such scandalous conduct.
So complacent Likud members, please make a note of the following: Netanyahu is mentally capable of bringing you back to the 1967 borders. Yes, in Jerusalem as well. Three months ago he sang the “two-state vision” tune in line with Obama’s flute, and now he is even freezing construction in Ma'aleh Adumim. Tomorrow he’ll give up all the rest.
The Likud needs to reign Netanyahu in. On the other hand, they need to walk a fine line. We don't want a government with Kadima and we certainly don't want to bring this government down and go to new elections. Been there and done that.
I believe that the reason for Bibi's behavior comes from existential threats from the White House and the State Dept. It's that bad.
The Likud needs to reign Netanyahu in. On the other hand, they need to walk a fine line. We don't want a government with Kadima and we certainly don't want to bring this government down and go to new elections. Been there and done that.
We can't have our cake and eat it, too.
Netanyahu should be tossed out of the Likud. New elections are needed.
It is up to the Likud to put up a candidate who will shovel Oslo and everything which followed it onto the rubbish heap of history, where it belongs.
And it is up to the Jews to finally decide to vote for such a person. At the end of the day, if the people vote again for Kadima, we have only ourselves to blame.
Am Navol Ve'loh Chacham.
Is there such a person in Israel? Their principles as far as one can tell is exceeded only by their naked cynicism. If its not Netanyahu, it will be someone else. The Bar-Ilan sought to define the kind of two-state solution Israel could live with it. There is no chance the Palestinians will accept it or even a limited freeze. Moshe Arens wrote recently that instead of fighting over real estate, Israel would be better advised to stand fast on principle. A temptation to expediency on Netanyahu's part can only be checked by his party.
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