Outrageous! Israel trades 20 terrorists for a video

A senior Hamas official said on Wednesday that a video to be released Friday will prove that abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit is alive and well.There's a list of the 'prisoners' to be released here. None has more than two years left to serve, but three are being held on bail and have not been tried. Thirteen of the 20 have been convicted of attempted murder.
Musa Abu-Marzouk said that the video, to be given to Israel in exchange for the release of 20 female Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, will also include proof that it was filmed recently.
The Prime Minister's office has stated that if a larger prisoner release is secured for the release of Gilad Shalit, the twenty women released this week will count towards the total number of detainees released.
Of the 20 female Palestinian prisoners to be released by Israel, Hamas has stated that four are members of Hamas, five belong to the rival Fatah faction, and three are members of Islamic Jihad. Only one of the prisoners is a resident of the Gaza Strip, the rest are from the West Bank.
The prisoners had all served at least two thirds of their sentences and none had more than two years left to serve.
This is a new low in my book. Hezbullah gave us dead soldiers but didn't receive more terrorists for 'proof' as to whether they were alive or dead. You want to deal - prove he's alive. We shouldn't be paying for that proof - and certainly not by the release of additional terrorists (yes, they 'count' against the eventual final number, but since that number has not yet been determined they can't really count against it). That's absurd.
But then, you all know already that I'm opposed to trading terrorists for hostages anyway - dead or alive. All we're doing is inviting the next terror attack.
OK...you are not going to believe this but on some sites, many imbeciles are commenting that this proves that in Israel's eyes, one man equals 20 women. I am not kidding. This is the level of idiocy that we have reached.
Shy Guy - they should be executed, not released.
What's next - 2,000 terrorists for Shalit's body?
When does this stop??
Stupid Jews is righ!
@Andre: It could also show that Israel arrests people for no good reason. After all, if they were real criminals no sane person would release them... right... right?
An Israeli soldier visiting in my home here in the US just told me (in answer to why trade for the video) to think of Gil's family.
How many Israeli lives is a VIDEO of one soldier worth?
How many Israeli lives is one soldier worth?
Releasing terrorists endangers the lives of ALL Israelis - that's why it should NEVER be done.
Israel used to know that.
How many Israeli lives is a VIDEO of one soldier worth?
How many Israeli lives is one soldier worth?
Releasing terrorists endangers the lives of ALL Israelis - that's why it should NEVER be done.
Israel used to know that.
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