Why the Arabs can't accept a Jewish state

Prime Minister Netanyahu has demanded that the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state. That's a demand that the Arabs are
incapable of accepting - ever. Mordechai Kedar explains why.
Thus, according to Islam, the State of Israel is not legitimate. From a religious point of view, Judaism is void. The Jewish nation is an invention of the Zionist movement. The land called "Israel" is considered Islamic Waqf land, consecrated for Muslims.
Netanyahu's insistence on recognition of the state as a Jewish nation-state contradicts the Islamic faith, and questions the very essence of Islam, whose relevance is based on the invalidity of Judaism (and Christianity as well).
Therefore, there is no escape from the conclusion that Israel's struggle for survival is religiously based, even if externally it assumes the form of a territorial struggle. It does not matter what its size, Israel will never gain recognition by the Arab and Muslim world as a legitimate state. Similarly, international documents which legitimize the "Jewish State," such as United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947, are viewed by Muslims as illegitimate.
Many say: "You are turning a territorial conflict into a religious one," when they mean to say that territorial concessions would facilitate the recognition of the Arabs and Muslims in the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Such a statement assumes that the Arab and Muslim world is as secular as our own, and shares our concepts, values and priorities. This is the result of Israeli and Western ignorance of all that is related to Islam and the Arab world, derived from the fact that Westerners do not understand Arabic and Arab and Islamic culture. Israelis and Westerners alike are not exposed to the harsh truths which are expressed in the local tongues, and are well-concealed by spokesmen of "inter-religious dialogue."
Recognition of Israel as a legitimate Jewish nation-state has no hope or chance as long as Islam perceives itself - and itself alone - as "the true religion with Allah."
Read the whole thing.
You have to look to the Quran to understand all things Islamic.
The Quran prohibits Muslims from experiencing Judgment Day until every Jew is dead.
The Quran says that Allah controls all things, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
There is no compassion in Islam.
One detects the will of Allah by strenght.
That Israel exists means that Allah is not happy with his Muslims.
or, in the alternative, that there is no Allah, and Islam is false.
To accept Israel is to turn apostate.
Now, the Quran pemits lies when weak, but only till the point that one is strong. And then, violence must ensue.
Egypt and Jordan, should the moment of strenght appear, will in a heartbeat, brake all treaties, and pursue war.
There are only three ways to win, to keep Muslims perpetually weak, to kill them all, or to liberate their women. Almost all Muslimahs hate Islam. In a recent poll, 20% of Muslims in Holland support Geert Wilders. How is that? They are all women.
One can understand everything, every action, every thought, every position, of a Muslim, by simply understanding the Quran.
is very good news for us, we donĀ“t have to make stinky compromises like Aza ever again
so does this mean that the iranians, pakistanis, bangladeshis, egyptians, sudanese, etc will all be more accomodating than the arabs? or are you using the word "arab" here to = "muslim"? confusing and unclear.
The ultimate point is Islam is the last true revealed religion. To accept Israel is to undermine the essence of the Muslim revelation. Things can be changed to bring the truth of Islam into question. That is what the existence of Israel does: it challenges both Islamic dogma and the finality of Islamic revelation and that is why the Arabs can't ever accept the legitimacy of a Jewish State.
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