Iran: The game is over

But from reading the report it sounds like the inspectors were allowed to visit because the game is over anyway: Iran already has enough weapons grade uranium to produce a nuclear bomb.
A June IAEA report said nearly 5,000 centrifuges were now enriching at Natanz - about 1,000 more than at the time of the last agency report, issued in February - with more than 2,000 others ready to start enriching. A new report due in the next week or so is expected to confirm that operations continue to expand - along with Teheran's potential capacity to produce weapons-grade uranium.What could go wrong?
Most experts estimate that the more than 1,000 kilograms of low-enriched uranium Iran had accumulated by February was already enough to produce enough weapons-grade material through further enrichment for one nuclear weapon.
If israel is going to be blamed ANYWAY....
If people like Mary Robinson are awarded "Medal of Freedom awards" anyway...
If the USA GIVE Lebanon 800 MILLION a year to it's military that are 30% hezbollah ANYWAY...
If the USA is giving unwra 800 to administer to Gaza ANYway...
If the USA lifted sanctions on Technology and airplane parts to syria anyway...
Bomb the crap out of Iran...
Might as well...
Iran has to fear nothing... certainly not from America and not from its little lapdog, Israel. Within a couple of months, Iran will unofficially or officially, join the nuclear club.
That's all, folks!
"Most experts estimate that the more than 1,000 kilograms of low-enriched uranium Iran had accumulated by February..."
Out of curiosity, I looked up some info on the Hiroshima bomb. This bomb, which leveled most of Hiroshima and killed 100,000+ people, had only 64 kg of enriched uranium. (The Nagasaki bomb used about 6 kg. of plutonium.) I'm not a scientist or engineer but given that fact, "only" 1,000 kg of enriched uranium is 1,000 kg more than the civilized world ought to tolerate their having.
Captain H. The estimate is that Iran currently has 1000kg of low-enriched uranium (about 5% U-235). Weapons-grade uranium, as was used in Little Boy, is highly-enriched uranium or about 80% U-235. So if the estimate is correct, Iran has the raw material to make more or less 50kg of HEU. Of course nobody including the IAEA has more than estimates to work with, but "about one bomb's worth" is in the ballpark.
I'ts still one bomb's worth too much.
The AP report clearly says that they have LOW ENRICHED uranium which is NOT "weapons grade" and has to be further enriched to be used for a bomb -- something that would not go unnoticed by IAEA Inspectors.
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