Victor Davis Hanson on what shocks the columnists

Victor Davis Hanson notes many columnists (whom he does not name) shouting mea culpas for criticizing the Bush administration for not talking to Iran. But these columnists - liberals who have now been mugged - were
amazingly naive about Iran.
And as a result they seem to be "shocked" that 1) Iran is really not a democracy after all, and that, after 30 years, it still rigs elections, preselects candidates, and kills off opponents, confident that its thin veneer of voting fools Western elites; 2) does not much care whether we talk or not to its clerics, and whether we act nicely or badly toward them; 3) long ago figured that what little downside there was to getting the bomb was far outweighed by the upside (cf. the deference showed to Pakistan post-1998), and nothing was/is going to stop them.
And I'm still shocked that there are intelligent people who couldn't figure all this out when Ahmadinejad took office in 2005.
As one of the 20% of American Jews that did NOT drink the kool-aid when it comes to our current president, I find a common thread...
Iran CAN be trusted to mean what it says...
"death to the great satan" "death to little satan"
Most of the 20% BELIEVE that Iran, Syria, Arabia, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Force 17, Fatah, PLO, Moslem Brotherhood, Alska's Martyrs Brigade, Fatah el Islam, Al-Qaeda, taliban are all a hydra heads of the same serpent...
It is a Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations.
Be Alarmed, Be Scared, Be Aware, Be Armed
Like Roger Cohen. He's shocked, shocked and shocked the Islamist-Khomeinist regime murdered its way to retaining power. That's the fruits of the engagement with the mullahs he championed for the Obama Administration. Just don't hold your breath waiting for Cohen to wake up for good and conclude appeasement should now be abandoned for containment of Iran.
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