Then how are we going to stop them, Jim?

Israeli politicians immediately portrayed Clinton's remarks in Thailand as a weakening of the U.S. stance on Iran by suggesting that the Obama administration is looking at scenarios for living with a nuclear-armed Iran.What does it mean when Hoagland says (and indeed when President Obama said it himself during last year's debate) that President Obama will 'not accept' Iran developing a nuclear bomb? Does Hoagland really believe Obama he can stare into Ahmadinejad's or Ayatollah Khameni's eyes and convince them not to make a nuclear weapon? Does Obama? If so, then Obama has severe delusions of grandeur and Hoagland worships him as a god. If not, then how does Obama plan to stop the Iranians? Hoagland, who apparently reflects Obama's position, worries that 'key European nations' will not agree to military action or imposing harsh sanctions. How does Hoagland believe Iran will be stopped? How does Obama believe that Iran will be stopped? What does it mean when Hoagland says that Obama 'will not accept' an Iran with nuclear weapons?
That goes too far. The president believes that Iran is developing a nuclear-weapons capability through its current U.N.-opposed uranium enrichment program, a senior official told me this month, and he will not accept Iran achieving the ability to make a bomb quickly from the stockpile it is accumulating.
Key European nations -- probably including Russia and Germany -- now believe the world will have to live with such an Iranian capability rather than take military action or impose harsh sanctions. That is a fault line far more important than any turf battles in Washington.
These are questions that need to be answered - and soon. They should have been answered during the 2008 campaign, but the fawning media wouldn't ask Obama any real questions.
Does the US even have a strategy?
Hopenchange, any one?
Remember when Prissy Pelosi went to Syria? She thought all it took was a liberal finally being able to sit down and explain things, then the world would be all rosy again.
Stupid twit. There's no hope for a country whose leaders are all morons.
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