President Obama's true colors

Kyle-Anne Shiver uses President Obama's support for the
would-be dictator of Honduras as an occasion to sum up
President Obama's true colors, based on his foreign policy six months into his term.
We now have had six months to observe the actions and words of President Obama in relations with foreign countries. Here's a brief recap: * Obama has routinely snubbed our traditional, democratic allies, from Great Britain to France to Germany, and most pointedly, Israel.
* Obama dispatched Secretary of State Clinton to communist China very early on to reassure them that human rights considerations would not get in the way of our trade with them.
* Obama made his American apology tour across Europe, pausing only to bow on camera before the Saudi King.
* Obama gave his suck-up-to-Islam speech in Cairo, being sure to credit Muslims with historical achievements purely made up from whole cloth, using the Muslim-only greeting of respect, and repeating the phrase "holy Koran" at every opportunity.
* Obama was as slow on the draw as conceivably possible to vocally condemn the brutish actions of the Iranian Mullahcracy against its citizens clamoring for freedoms and human rights. Obama continues to insist that negotiations with the Iranian regime are still on the table.
* Obama is quick on the draw to side with the world's socialist dictators against the defense of democracy taking place now in Honduras.
President Barack Obama's true self has been revealed in vivid Technicolor throughout the past six months. He has aligned himself with bullies and tyrants around the globe, both IslamoFascists and members of the international socialist collective. Despite their theoretical differences, these regimes share one glaring, common belief: America is responsible for all the suffering and injustice throughout the world. This overriding disgust with America holds together these disparate, radical regimes.
As David Horowitz summarized in Unholy Alliance: "Radicalism is a cause whose utopian agendas result in an ethic where the ends outweigh and ultimately justify any means. Like the Salvationist agendas of jihad, the Left's apocalyptic goal of ‘social justice' is the equivalent of an earthly redemption. A planet saved, a world without poverty, racism, inequality, or war -- what means would not be justified to achieve such millennial ends?"
Two disparate forces - IslamoFascism and Socialism -- seemingly united on a tyrannical bent against freedom, against democracy and human rights, have formed a flank against America. And upon whose side does our own President stand?
An American president aligned in spirit with our sworn enemies?
Is it possible?
It's more than possible. It's reality.
Its the truth. America has a President who hates his own country and its founding values. That's why America is no longer a superpower.
Worse than that we have an American President doing everything he can to destroy the economy of this country to bring about a constitutional crisis so the Leftists can toss out our constitution for one not so hung up on personal freedoms and responsibilities.
My family is a fourth generation supporter of the State of Israel. My Father was test pilot in the U. S. Air Force and flight instructor for the IAF. I remember vividly our family’s vacation abruptly halted in 1967 so that my Father's squadron could be in Israel before to prepare for what turned out to be the 7 day war explaining clearly to his kids what Egypt and the coalition of Arab States were planning to do. Israel intercepted information on how and where the attack could emanate from brilliantly. Israel sure enough was attacked and hermetically sealed off by its enemies and Israel kicked their collective ass’s real good.
Now, fast forward. Someone from Israel needs to set the U. S. Jews straight. This U. S. Jewish constituency has ruined this real time and biblical relationship with America. The unfunny thing is, the left here in the States can't stand U. S. Jews and basically used them to get Obama elected i.e. JStreet, Ezra Klein, etc., etc., etc., and the liberal grassroots hate for them is getting more overt now and downright embarrassing but yet the U. S. Jewish journalist hence U. S. Jews cannot see this as they continue to head up our media and banking industries. Time will tell but the times are also very telling and family of these folks from Israel needs to educate their U. S. Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters. It’s even more important that the world not view these liberal Jews 80 percent who voted for Obama, not to scream fire and continue to point at members in their own camp as the fire starters. Otherwise, this huge chasm between Israel State and the U. S. will experienced the continued result of throwing Israel not under a bus but in the path of a nuclear warhead.
I support Israel with all my heart but Israel’s biggest enemy is the U. S. Jewish journalists who keep those fires stoked red hot. They are despised now by both parties as conservatives felt after years of close and friendly support, the U. S Jews made all of the decades of effort for not.
Rahm Emanuel as an example….case closed for the time being and its not getting any better until the State of Israel applies not pressure but truth to these folks.
My family is a fourth generation supporter of the State of Israel. My Father was test pilot in the U. S. Air Force and flight instructor for the IAF. I remember vividly our family’s vacation abruptly halted in 1967 so that my Father's squadron could be in Israel before to prepare for what turned out to be the 7 day war explaining clearly to his kids what Egypt and the coalition of Arab States were planning to do. Israel intercepted information on how and where the attack could emanate from brilliantly. Israel sure enough was attacked and hermetically sealed off by its enemies and Israel kicked their collective ass’s real good.
Now, fast forward. Someone from Israel needs to set the U. S. Jews straight. This U. S. Jewish constituency has ruined this real time and biblical relationship with America. The unfunny thing is, the left here in the States can't stand U. S. Jews and basically used them to get Obama elected i.e. JStreet, Ezra Klein, etc., etc., etc., and the liberal grassroots hate for them is getting more overt now and downright embarrassing but yet the U. S. Jewish journalist hence U. S. Jews cannot see this as they continue to head up our media and banking industries. Time will tell but the times are also very telling and family of these folks from Israel needs to educate their U. S. Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters. It’s even more important that the world not view these liberal Jews 80 percent who voted for Obama, not to scream fire and continue to point at members in their own camp as the fire starters. Otherwise, this huge chasm between Israel State and the U. S. will experienced the continued result of throwing Israel not under a bus but in the path of a nuclear warhead.
I support Israel with all my heart but Israel’s biggest enemy is the U. S. Jewish journalists who keep those fires stoked red hot. They are despised now by both parties as conservatives felt after years of close and friendly support, the U. S Jews made all of the decades of effort for not.
Rahm Emanuel as an example….case closed for the time being and its not getting any better until the State of Israel applies not pressure but truth to these folks.
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