More than two third of Israeli Jews who supported Gaza expulsion are now sorry

These days, 4 years to the evacuation of Gush Katif is being marked. In the past did you support or oppose the evacuation of Gush Katif?The pictures at the top of this post are of the Gush Katif hothouses while the Jews were living in Gaza (the one that shows them full of life) and after the Jews left (the one that shows weapons tunnels).
Oppose 24% Supported 48% Other replies 28%
Among those who supported: Are you sorry today that you supported the evacuation Gush Katif?
Yes 68% No 22% Other replies 10%
What do you think that Qassam firing on Sderot and Operation Cast Lead proved that the evacuation of Gush Katif was a mistake or justified?
Mistake 55% Justified 25% No connection 11% Other replies 9%
What grade would you give to the Government for its handling of the evacuees from Gush Katif?
Bad 66% So-so 11% Good 13% Other replies 10%
What statement do you identify more with: That within the framework of the school curriculum the matter of Gush Katif should be taught so the Gush and its people are remembered.
If that it should not be included in the school curriculum since it was a one time and passing incident.
Teach it 44% Don't teach it 34% Other replies 22%
Should the State of Israel resettle Gush Katif?
No 54% Yes 19% Other replies 27%
I can't think of any action by a democracy that such a large percentage of the country thought was wrong in retrospect since Neville Chamberlain brought 'peace in our time.'
I opposed it then. The only thing we got out of it is a motherload of rockets and irrefutable evidence that the settlements are not the issue (and a lot of good that's doing us now that "the chosen one" is insisting to his masses of zombie-like followers that the settlements are the issue).
I still ask myself if it wasn't inevitable though. Sadly, I can't imagine a situation where those settlers would be living side by side with the Arabs in Gaza without being in constant imminent danger.
Morally there is no question here. The fact is life isn't fair and Jews who live near Arabs are in danger of racially-motivated violence.
There isn't a place in the world where Jews are completely safe. Gaza Jews were not even given a choice in their own fate. They were all forced out of their homes, businesses and schools without so much as bye your leave from the government that was supposed to look after them. If the Arabs had done it, that would be one thing. But it is Israel that did the deed.
Are Israelis generally aware of what's become of the Gush Katif refugees or have they been forgotten. I definitely haven't seen any mention of them in the international press, but I know most are still unemployed.
During Cast Lead, those at the Nitzan "refugee camp" outside Ashkelon had no bomb shelters and were given concrete sewer pipes to hide in when the alarms went off. They way they've been treated is a disgrace.
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