Israel rejects Solana call for imposed 'peace'

"Resolutions 242 and 338 of the United Nations, the roadmap [peace plan] and agreements between Israel and the Palestinians all cautiously determine that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only be reached through negotiations by the sides," the [foreign] ministry said in a statement.Solana advocates returning to the 1949 armistice lines.
The Foreign Ministry added: "Israel has called more than once for the immediate renewal of the talks without preconditions.
"Another demand setting an artificial deadline endangers and harms the chances of actually reaching a bilateral agreement between Israel and the Palestinians."
The EU, along with the United States, Russia and the United Nations, is part of the Quartet of Middle East Negotiators.
I don't believe a negotiated solution with the 'Palestinians' can ever be reached unless it is one that leaves Israel so totally emasculated that its continued existence will be unlikely. But this 'solution' isn't dangerous because it endangers the chances of reaching a bilateral agreement. It's dangerous because it encourages the 'Palestinians' to hold out for maximalist demands and then to resort to violence when they don't get fulfilled.
16:50 Ahmadinejad: Murder of Egyptian woman in Germany is proof of nation`s brutality (AP)
That deserves some kind of award for arrogance. With real genocide occurring in Africa and freedom being suppressed in Iran, this presumptuous ass chooses to single out Israel for the 'imposed solution' treatment. Spain should be utterly embarrassed to have produced then promoted an representative of such astonishing intellectual inferiority.
The Europeans want to finish the work Hitler left unfinished. Its the depth of their arrogance that shows they haven't gotten it 60 years after the Holocaust.
Solana ought to be persona non grata in Jerusalem.
Hopenchange,any one?
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