Is a crushed Israel an American interest?

The United States is a superpower. If the United States wants a broken, battered Israel, it will get a broken, battered Israel. This is a collision between a tank and an ATV, between a stealth bomber and a glider. But the question the White House ought to be asking itself is whether riding roughshod over Israel serves its goals - whether a crushed Israel is an American interest.There's more to it than that. The United States has to accept that peace may not be possible, nor is it desirable at any price. It may well be (and I happen to believe it is) better to manage the conflict than to try to get a peace deal and make a bad one that will lay the groundwork for the Middle East to go up in flames in the future.
The answer is unequivocal: no. Already, Israel's public humiliation is hurting America. It is making even moderate Arabs unwilling to contribute anything to advancing the diplomatic process. And without a significant Arab contribution, there will be no diplomatic process.
But a continued tough love policy toward Israel is liable to do damage that is far more serious - and irreversible. Without a strong Israel, a Middle East peace can neither be established nor survive. Without a strong Israel, the Middle East will go up in flames.
Therefore, instead of playing games taken out of a basic training manual, Americans and Israelis must work in harmony. They must think outside the box and come up with a creative solution, based on listening to each other and mutual respect. They must jointly advance a genuine regional peace.
But given that the only foreign policy goal that the Obama administration has articulated is to create a 'Palestinian'
What could go wrong?
Israel is just going to have deflect American pressure as much as possible and hope events break Israel's way over the next three years.
Obumbler isn't a President who is willing to allow reality to get in the way of his leftist worldview. His reaction to Iran and Honduras has established that beyond all doubt. Israel is not going to get "kid gloves" treatment from this President any time soon.
Hopenchange, any one?
America will be turned into charcoal by the Creator of the Universe. America is Edom. In Isaiah it states Edom's rivers will be turned to tar and the land to sulfur. It will smoke for eternity and will remain uninhabited.... Don't mess with Israel Obama, don't mess with the Creator of the Universe...
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