Ariel Sharon's legacy

The Sharon family has wisely decided that they do not want Ariel Sharon's legacy - he's been in a coma since suffering a stroke in January 2006 - to be the expulsion of Jews from Gaza in the summer of 2005. According to the mayor of the city of Ariel, Ron Nachman, the family has asked that the city officially be named after Ariel Sharon. The city of Ariel is
located in Samaria.
Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman told IMRA today that the city council decided to honor the request of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's family and is naming the city after Ariel Sharon.
Ariel is located beyond the Green Line.
The decision is now being sent to the State "Name Committee" for final approval.
The Ariel Sharon Center For The Study Of Settlement And Leadership 1882 To The Present will be established in Ariel.
It is expected to include displays and presentations that will be visited by students and tourists.
"I'd like to see Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton try to destroy a place named after Ariel Sharon," noted Nachman, adding that he also couldn't imagine any mainstream political party - including Kadima - interfering with the approval process for the project.
There's a George Bush Sr. roundabout in Ariel as well....but I don't think Obama would have a problem knocking that down.
Senior? Why? He wasn't exactly a friend of Israel's either.
The given reason at the time was, "The US will never knock down a settlement that has something in it named for a US President..."
Same stupid logic.
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