Who will stand up to Iran?

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband on Sunday demanded the release of eight Iranian British Embassy employees detained by Iranian authorities in Teheran, warning Iran that "continued harassment will be met by a strong and united EU response."If Miliband is looking for a 'strong and united EU response,' I suggest that he check behind him. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana presented anything but a 'strong and united EU response' to the arrests:
Miliband flatly rejected Iranian claims that the embassy employees were involved in anti-government protests in the country.
Javier Solana said the EU did not want to interfere in Iran's internal affairs, but would continue its criticism of the conduct of the security forces and the arrests of demonstrators.And you thought Obama was the only weakling on Iran.
Still, the EU also wants to leave the door open for the resumption of the dialogue with Teheran on its nuclear program, he said.
Solana spoke Sunday before a meeting of EU foreign ministers dedicated to Iran.
Moreover, those who were suspicious as to 'opposition candidate' Mir Hossein Mousavi's willingness to see this through to the end are rapidly being proven correct.
Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims he actually won the June 12 presidential vote that sparked the unrest, indicated he would seek official permission for any future rallies, effectively ending his role in street protests.Good luck with that. We know what the odds are that will happen.
Captain Ed thinks this is not the end of the road for the revolutionaries.
The mullahs may have momentarily succeeded in repressing the street demonstrations and open defiance of the regime, but they lost their legitimacy over the last two weeks, and they know it. That’s why they’re trying so desperately to frame the Brits for the protests, in an attempt to discredit them. But when millions of people face off against the armed forces of a dictatorship, it’s usually at least the beginning of the end for the tyrants. And as we’ve been saying, this stopped being about Mousavi after the first few days of the crisis.I'm sure the people in the streets would agree.
But with both the United States and the European Union still seeking to 'engage' the Ahmadinejad junta, with so many of their number murdered, wounded and/or under arrest, and with their nominal 'leader' backing off because they have already served his purpose, for these kids to succeed in overthrowing the Iranian regime, they will need new leadership.
Who will step forward?
Iran's Press TV confirms that those arrested were Iranians and not Brits. Let's go to the videotape.
The regime hardliners are united and they haven't have paid a price for the bloody repression of the opposition. On the contrary, they've seen the US and the EU seek to resume an appeasement dialogue with them. Iran is not a European democracy. Too bad people in the West still don't get the regime's true nature. No one will stand up to Iran.
What could go wrong indeed
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