Ruh roh: Israel considering 'temporary' 'settlement' freeze

Haaretz is reporting that the Netanyahu government is considering a '
temporary' freeze in construction in the 'settlements.' The problem with a 'temporary' freeze is that inertia might make it permanent, and even if it doesn't, a resumption of construction might raise more hackles than it would otherwise.
Israel and the United States have already agreed that all unauthorized outposts are to be removed "within weeks or months," no new settlements are to be built and no Palestinian land is to be confiscated.
However, they disagree over the duration of the settlement freeze and the future of settlement construction projects already underway.
Israel is offering to halt some settlement construction for up to six months, while the United States is interested in a considerably longer period.
In addition, Israel wants to convince Washington that building projects currently underway should be allowed to continue - including the construction of up to several thousand housing units.
And what is going to happen in those six months. According to Haaretz, Ehud Barak thinks that in those six months the final borders will become 'clearer' and then it won't matter if Israel resumes building. If that hasn't happened in the last 60 years nor in the 42 years since the Six Day War, what basis is there for believing that it will suddenly happen now? Because Barack Obama wears a halo?
As long as its reversible, Israel could live with it, on the condition the Palestinians enter into talks. If the Palestinians don't resume negotiations, the freeze can be reversed. Barry Rubin has outlined how such a scenario could work and Israel is not prejudicing its rights or national interest. The aim would be to remove the idea the settlements are the obstacle to peace and put the ball in the Palestinians' court. There is one very real danger: it could become a creeping de facto permanent freeze and just another unilateral concession the US and the Arabs would pocket before resuming the pressure on Israel. To avert it, any freeze agreed upon the US would have to be time limited, conditional and be in exchange for something received from the other side or its not worth doing it at all.
So all this would have to be carefully done and Netanyahu is just not going to be able to sell an outright freeze for nothing to his Cabinet - which is what the Americans are demanding.
let bibi fall if he cow tows to hussein and to intermarried rahm
Should be conditional on cessation of rocket attacks and recognition. Anything less is just more concessions for nothing in return.
And the first time a rocket lands in Israel, break out the hammers.
In Jerusalem, too? That would be a bad mistake.
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