Krauthammer: Obama's transcultural evenhandedness

In Friday's Washington Post,
Charles Krauthammer nails it:
That's the problem with Obama's transcultural evenhandedness. It gives the veneer of professorial sophistication to the most simple-minded observation: Of course there are rights and wrongs in all human affairs. Our species is a fallen one. But that doesn't mean that these rights and wrongs are of equal weight.
A CIA rent-a-mob in a coup 56 years ago does not balance the hostage-takings, throat-slittings, terror bombings and wanton slaughters perpetrated for 30 years by a thug regime in Tehran (and its surrogates) that our own State Department calls the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism."
True, France prohibits the wearing of the hijab in certain public places, in part to allow the force of law to protect Muslim women who might be coerced into wearing it by neighborhood fundamentalist gangs. But it borders on the obscene to compare this mild preference for secularization (seen in Muslim Turkey as well) to the violence that has been visited upon Copts, Maronites, Bahais, Druze and other minorities in Muslim lands, and to the unspeakable cruelties perpetrated by Shiites and Sunnis upon each other.
Even on freedom of religion, Obama could not resist the compulsion to find fault with his own country: "For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation" -- disgracefully giving the impression to a foreign audience not versed in our laws that there is active discrimination against Muslims, when the only restriction, applied to all donors regardless of religion, is on funding charities that serve as fronts for terror.
For all of his philosophy, the philosopher-king protests too much. Obama undoubtedly thinks he is demonstrating historical magnanimity with all these moral equivalencies and self-flagellating apologetics. On the contrary. He's showing cheap condescension, an unseemly hunger for applause and a willingness to distort history for political effect.
Read the whole thing.
All cultures aren't created equal. That's the first thing every child learns in school and it does no good to deny that some cultures are morally or technologically superior to others. Only a relativist would deny the self-evident truth of human nature: human beings are fundamentally unequal and physical, intellectual and even moral equality is a pious myth.
All men may be created equal but none of them end up in the same place in life. The same holds true as well for nations. To assert Israel and the Palestinians are equal is ridiculous yet Obama has somehow convinced himself there is no difference between them. It is the existence of human differences that transcultural evenhandedness denies. No peace can be established that does not take into account the differences between Jew and Arab.
check the 3rd video on the veil
in all the administrations the servants musn't have a distinctive sign of religious belonging
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