'I have been in love with the 'Palestinian people' for many years'

America's worst President was honored on Saturday by the 'Palestinian Authority,' whose quest for 'independence' he pledged to support to the end of his days. In his acceptance speech, Jimmy the Dhimmi urged Fatah to stop fighting with Hamas and to unite against the real enemy: Israel.
In the West Bank, Carter was awarded the Palestine International Award for Excellence and Creativity. Previous recipients included two former international envoys, James Wolfensohn and Peter Hansen.That's funny. Abu Mazen just told the Washington Post two weeks ago that the 'Palestinians' have a good life.
"I have been in love with the Palestinian people for many years," he said Saturday, adding that this is a feeling shared by members of his family.
"I have two great-grandsons that are rapidly learning about the people here and the anguish and suffering and deprivation of human rights that you have experienced ever since 1948," he said.
Referring to President Barack Obama's call for an Israeli settlement freeze, Carter said that "in the future, I am sure, he will call for the dismantling of the settlements that exist."
Carter, 85, pledged his "assistance, as long as I live, to win your freedom, your independence, your sovereignty and a good life."
May his life be very short and painful. I can predict that Dhimmi Carter will die on a Jewish holiday. Any day he dies on will be declared a Jewish holiday.
Findalis, you can say Dhimmi Carter is the sorriest excuse for a human being who ever lived. He doesn't have the same regard for the Jewish people but that's been evident for a long time now. This ceremony just shows how out of touch is he with reality in the Middle East.
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