All dressed up with no place to go

I'll bet the US would be willing to take him. Well, maybe not with The One in charge.
Al-Molqui served 24 years of a 30-year sentence that was imposed by the Italian court. During a 2006 furlough, al-Molqui escaped to Spain, but he was recaptured.
Maybe Israel should offer to dispose of him? Heh.
More details on the Achille Lauro hijackers here.
Arutz Sheva adds:
Molqui is currently in a holding center, where he is fighting an expulsion order. He has married an Italian citizen, and claims that his marriage should grant him citizenship as well. In addition, Molqui argues that he has no citizenship. As a descendant of Arabs who fled pre-state Israel, Molqui is not eligible for citizenship in his state of birth.I wonder why no one wants them. Hmmm.
A second hijacker, Ibrahim Abdelatif, was released from prison last year and is also fighting a deportation order. Like Molqui, Abdelatif has no citizenship, as his country of birth, Lebanon, refuses to grant citizenship to descendants of Arabs who fled pre-state Israel.
I simply cannot believe that no one would welcome this heroic freedom fighter who single handedly pushed a wheelchair-bound old man overboard. Such a mensch...such a, people can be so ungrateful sometimes!
Who wants to take in a murderer? Youssef Magied al-Molqui's Cain-like punishment is a truly fitting sentence. May his feet never find true rest as long as he is alive! And may G-d avenge the blood of Leon Klinghoffer, z"tl!
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