Photo of the day
What is this 'Palestinian' woman trying to teach her son:
Original caption:
Amnesty International is accusing Israel of "war crimes," and Louis Michel, the EU's commissioner for aid to developing countries, says: "It is evident that Israel does not respect international humanitarian law." Here, Israeli solidiers patrol in a West Bank village.My caption: 'Palestinian' child abuse: Mother uses her son as a human shield.
Your caption?
Come on - if she was really afraid that the soldiers would shoot her, would she come out holding her son like that?
Hat Tip: Puneet M.
My caption?
EU commissioner for aid to developing countries, Louis Michel, is decapitated by his Islamic overlords with a serrated hunting knife, in spite of his years of devoted efforts to destroy the Jews in their homeland.
Hey! My caption is just as relevant to the pic as the MSM agency's caption.
Can U Say Sharmootah?
On 2nd thought they should throw an old shoe at the b*tch.
Does any one really think Jews are Nazis? Of course in the deranged anti-Israel Left they really believe its true. There's the old saying one picture is worth a thousand words but in this case the picture doesn't really convey the truth.
I never thought that she is using the child as human shield, and i am sure that neither she thought of that, as she knew that Israeli forces will not do anything because of close proximity of children, and as she is a women...
I rather thought that she was teaching her child 'how to hate', and hoe to shoot the unbelivers...
This is how new Jihadi generation breeds.... as mothers usually trains their children for Jihad against the infidels, especially the JEwish infidels...
its written on the wall ....
for a good time call 0599-66.....
does that number belong to AFP news creating media ? aka Palliwood !
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