'Messiah's times': Hamas and Fatah to kiss and make up

According to sources for both factions, the plan presented by Egyptian officials that would create a Fatah-Hamas PA government included several steps:A 'conference' is planned for February 22 in Cairo, and while scenes like the one above from two years ago in Mecca may not happen, maybe they can do something similar at Al-Azhar University, the premier 'university' for Islamic 'scholarship.'
1. hold legislative and "presidential" elections
2. free all "political" detainees held by each side
3. reform the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is the umbrella group under which Fatah and other factions operate, and from which the PA government was created, and
4. restructure the PA security force.
The unity government that would thus be formed would serve for two years, according to the agreement under consideration, headed by current PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. It would include Hamas as well as Fatah ministers and would be tasked with preparing for new elections, as well as resolving all outstanding issues between the two factions prior to the vote.
But the key here is how the West, which has provided billions of dollars in aid to the the
Hamas has apparently gotten with the program in Washington. You know, the program that says it's all Bush's fault.
The two parties' representatives announced that they would continue to hold "reconciliation" talks in the future both inside the Palestinian territories and abroad.Like Bush and Condi told them to throw each other off the roofs of buildings. Right....
"The departure of the Bush administration has paved the way for Palestinian national reconciliation," the PA official said. "In the past, Bush and [former US Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice were totally opposed to talks between Fatah and Hamas."
If the terrorists ever get over all that bad blood, I will be amazed...
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