Fwance condemns Gaza operation
Earlier this evening, I reported that the EU issued a statement that it views the Gaza action as 'defensive.' I noted that this was because the Czech Republic took over from France on Thursday as President of the EU.Israel Radio just announce that Fwance has condemned the Gaza operation. This is what they would rather we do instead.

Great work! We have linked to your live blog of the Gaza operation: http://www.tcotreport.com
Who cares what France thinks? They did a good job in surrendering to the Germans in 1940. Not an example Israel is inclined to follow!
It's because of Grance Britin and other european countries the mibble east is like it is.
sorry for the typos trying to type with a broken hand LOL
and we care about what the cheese eating surrender monkeys say ... why?
Hey Fwance ... STFU and STFD
Why don't you stop the cars from burning in your own homeland first. Its the same fight as the Israelis are going through. C'mon cheese eating surrender monkeys ... solve that problem. Without surrendering to the "youths".
Oh ... you can't? Why not?
Oh, no! Not...not France! Whatever shall we do? If Israel's lost the support of France, then there's just no hope left. How can they possibly survive?
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