Moonbat McKinney's boat turned back by Israeli Navy - UPDATED with video from Tyre, Lebanon

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the boat ignored an Israeli radio order to turn back early Tuesday. He said the boat tried to outmaneuver the navy ship and crashed into it, lightly damaging both vessels. The navy then escorted the boat to the territorial waters of Cyprus.According to the 'Free Gaza' website of the boat's organizers (which I will not grace with a link), the boat is now headed to 'safety' in Lebanon. Here's their account of Tuesday morning's events.
Protest boat organizer Derek Graham said the Israeli ship "rammed" the protest boat.
On Tuesday, December 30, at 5 a.m., several Israeli gunboats intercepted the Dignity as she was heading on a mission of mercy to Gaza. One gunboat rammed into the boat on the port bow side, heavily damaging her. The reports from the passengers and journalists on board is that she is taking on water and appears to have engine problems. When attacked, the Dignity was clearly in international waters, 90 miles off the coast of Gaza.What kind of morons try sending a yacht into a war zone? I can't wait to see the video.... And yes, I will post it as soon as I get it.
The gunboats also fired their machine guns into the water in an attempt to stop the mercy ship from getting to Gaza.
As the boat limps toward Lebanon, passengers have been in contact with the Lebanese government who have said the captain has permission to dock and are willing lend assistance if needed. Cyprus sea rescue has also been in touch, and has offered assistance as well. The Dignity clearly flies the flag of Gibraltar, is piloted by an English captain and has a passenger manifest that includes Representative Cynthia McKinney from the U.S. The attack was filmed by the journalists, and the crew and passengers will report on Israel's crime at sea once they arrive in Lebanon.
On board the boat are doctors traveling to this impoverished slice of the Mediterranean to provide badly-needed relief at the hospitals there. The crew and passengers were also hoping to take wounded out for treatment, since the hospitals are not coping. In addition, the Dignity was carrying 3 tons of medical supplies at the request of the doctors in Gaza.
Here's a CNN clip. The voice is the voice of a reporter on the boat, but the video footage is from loading the boat and not from this morning's incident. Let's go to the videotape.
The moonbats on the boat have accused Israel of 'piracy on the high seas.' But their understanding of international law is incorrect.
The movement's spokeswoman Greta Berlin told Israel National News that the incident occurred approximately 50-60 miles off the Gaza coast, in international waters. Any vessel can be legally required to identify itself in order to prevent it from entering prohibited territory although its passengers cannot be arrested in international waters, explained Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.They're also claiming that the Navy gunboat rammed the yacht, but Palmor shows that contention is ridiculous as well:
The Free Gaza boat, dubbed the Dignity, collided with a Navy boat, but Berlin said the activists on board have pictures to prove it was rammed, an allegation that Palmor said is ridiculous. "If we wanted to hit it intentionally, everyone would have drowned," he told Israel National News.While Israel allowed earlier 'mercy missions' to land, the government has apparently now had enough of this nonsense.
Ministry spokesman Yossi Levy was quoted by a CNN correspondent on board the 60-foot vessel as saying that the collision occurred when a Navy boat tried to turn around. Free Gaza claimed that at least half a dozen Navy boats surrounded the Dignity.
The activists reported they did not have enough fuel to return to Cyprus and that the Navy did not allow the boat to proceed to Egypt but is allowing the vessel to sail to Lebanon after originally ordering it to turn back to Cyprus.
Defense Ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror said "the time has come to put a stop to these anarchists" who he said are not bringing any significant amount of humanitarian supplies. He pointed out that Israel has opened Gaza crossings for hundreds of tons of aid despite the ongoing rocket and mortar attacks on Israel.Free Gaza is a coalition of several groups, including the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Israel Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). All of those groups are financed by European governments.
More than 120 trucks entered Gaza Sunday and Monday, and 100 more are expected to reach the area Tuesday.
Here's an al-Jazzeera report on what Michelle Malkin calls the S.S. Moonbat docking in Tyre, Lebanon.
Let's go to the videotape.
I can't believe they didn't have enough fuel to make it back to Cyprus. Who did they think would rescue them if anything went wrong?
By the way, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air and Gateway Pundit have all linked to this post. Thanks guys. It's been a heck of a day already.
They should have arrested the crew and passengers, hauled it to Israel, put everyone in the brig and pressed their idiotic fund for the repair damages to our naval ship.
Stupid Jews.
Why, oh why, do these idiots think these "missions" are OK?
And are any of them willing to be "human shields" in Sderot? I don't think so...
I'm sorry the Dignity was rammed. I'm sorry it wasnt sunk to the bottom of the sea. Israel has a right to protect her sovereign territory, territory acceded to them by El Shaddai.
Idiots. They're lucky they're not fish food right now.
Just goes to show that McKinney has always been a nut job. She, and all onboard should have been arrested and held as a prisoners of war. Her passport should be confiscated, and not permitted re-entry into America. She does not represent this country, she is an Anti Semite.
Attacked for trying to deliver food, medical supplies and hope to the women, men and children who have been starved to death for the past six months?
Who are the true 'moonbats' here when humanitarian efforts are disparaged?
Have you people lost all semblance of humanity?
Whilst Israel continues to get its gun off and flout Article 33 of the Geneva Convention Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions IV (1949) which reads: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties, pillage and reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited".
How long will the Jews continue to play victims?
By the by, the Palestinians were not responsible for the holocaust. Lest you guys have forgotten.
providing relief to injured citizens = moonbats
just like this relief boat was involved in terrorist activities right?
McKinney is an anti-semitic whack-job who once attacked a security guard in Washington DC because he asked to see her identification. Any organization which has someone like her as a member should be highly suspect. Israel, like any other sovereign nation, has a right to defend itself. For the last six weeks, it has absorbed an increasing number of rocket attacks from Gaza. No country on Earth would sit back and do nothing while its citizens were being killed and maimed. If Israel was the "bully" some people think it is, Gaza would be a giant cemetary by now, and Tehran would be in ruins. Israel shows more restraint than most countries in the face of constant threats to its existence.
Israel has only the right to punish those perpetrators who are firing rockets into Israel, it does not have the right to apply a 6 month blockade to the whole of Gaza thus starving men, women and children who have absolutely nothing to do with the firing of rockets into Israel. And it is absolutely not within Israel's right to bomb the most densely populated strip of land in the world for the purposes of destroying the democratically elected government of Palestine.
Again, I say that if you argue in favour of the latter point, then you are inadvertently providing the basic argument for those who struck out at America on 11 September 2001. If collective punishment of a population for the sins of its government are the order of the day, then one can hardly wait for the next massive terrorist attack on United States soil, non?
The IRA, the RFA and the ETA were organised 'terrorist' groups (and by all accounts alot more effective than the rocket launchers from Gaza), yet you don't see the UK, Germany and Spain systematically MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE.
This is little more than Israel's attempt to ethnically cleanse the land of the Palestinians.
What I simply do not understand is Israel's reaction to these people.
I am a Jewish sympathiser, being an historian, I know the history of Jewish injustice, from the first Progroms carried out by the Christian crusaders in the Rhineland en route to liberate Jerusalem, to the holocaust and I agree that they should have a safe place to call home. But not like this.
How can Israel continue to flout the international laws and commit war crimes when these very laws came about as a direct result of the holocaust?
Ha ha ha that loony McKinney! She's such a trip and fool!. Going into a war zone in a boat. She's lucky the Israelis did not turn her into powder like some terrorists are right now. Might have done us the favor...NOT.
And how long will the Hamas and Palestinians play victims? Or how long will they keep terrorizing Israel? Until Israel is wiped off the face of the earth. That is their #1 agenda.
I hope the US doesn't allow Rep McKinney to re-enter.
By the way, that's an awfully small boat to deliver humanitarian supplies.
The official leadership in Gaza, Hamas, which was voted into power by the people of Gaza, believes that Israel has no right to exist. Hamas will never negotiate a meaningful peace with Israel because that organization is dedicated to destroying Israel. Over the last several years, rockets have been continually launched into Israel, killing and maiming Israeli citizens, despite the fact that Israeli forces made a unilateral withdrawal from that hostile region a long time ago. In the last six weeks, those launches have increased in number. Thanks to Hamas, Gaza is now a war zone and the blockade that Israel is enforcing is a standard military tactic to prevent any aid or comfort or arms from getting into Gaza. This is a cruel situation, to be sure. War has never been otherwise. But the people in Gaza have brought this upon themselves. If Israel could trust them and believe they really wanted to co-exist peacefully, Gaza could be a garden state. But that will never happen because too many Palestinians have been raised to hate Israel and would rather die than live in peace with it.
McKinney is just trying to hitch a ride back into the public eye.
As former Navy I can tell you we are SICK AND TIRED of risking our lives trying to keep these idiots safe.
Next time, let them is and get killed. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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McKinney is not an American. She is an idiot. I wish she would stay off US soil. CNN, who reports with anti-Semitic leaning, is stupid for sharing reporting from McKinney and her group, who obviously are going to spin the truth and make Israel look evil. Israel was showing humanity by not sinking her boat. McKinney is not only anti-Semitic she is anti-American. I agree with navyvet.
JohnR, is not Sinn Fein the political arm of the IRA? Did they not hold office? Did they not have a large following in Ireland?
If the UK had bombed Ireland into the sea, would this have been just? As a sovereign government, surely using your logic, they would have been justified?
I am sorry, but your argument doesn't hold merit. Collective punishment is unacceptable by any humane person's logic.
The fact that MSM can post photos of Arab babies, women and children being wounded and maimed without an outpouring of condemnation from the world's leading governments proves that it is okay to kill women, men and children as long as they are not white.
I would be interest to hear you provide a counter arguments to this suggestion.
Unfortunately, McKinney is an American. And, sadly, she's not unlike many other Americans. Visit some of the blogs that are linked to the CNN article about this incident. It's like a skinhead convention out there. That's how insane McKinney is. She actually has more in common with skinheads than she does with most African-Americans. The problem is, there is no law against acting like an idiot, being crazy as a loon, or just being an overt anti-semite.
Shalom, Carl. I hope your family is safe in Jerusalem; times can't be easy right now, but I hope Israel tears Hamas to shreds. You have every right to do so. G-d knows we all wish you didn't have to, but if the job must be done, do it well.
As for McKinney...why couldn't they have just sunk the ship so America could be rid of her idiocy as well? I should've put my drink down before I read this!
The Israeli Navy should have sunk it. Under international law, a country is within its rights to prevent a belligerent from being aided and any one who aids a belligerent loses the status of a "neutral." Jihad Cindy and the rest of the moonbats should go and look it up!
DANA is just like McKinney, a freak.
They accuse Jews of lying? ...when the Arabs don't tell the truth about anything (consider the pallywood aldurah fabrication, for just one).
And why don't these freaks complain when Hamas shoots missiles at Jews? ...especially Jewish children? Because they hate us, and love whoever tries to hurt us. They are twisted lying evil freaks, of course, just like the Nazis who pretended to be "defending themselves" against us Jews.
They love the terrorists who did their killing in Mumbai, and hate their victims.
Heck, Hamas is so bad, even Egypt supports Israel! But not the freaks like Dana and McKinney.
They are garbage, and the sooner G-d eliminates them and the scum they love from the world, the better.
It will happen!
Well, at least you didn't label me an Anti-Semite.
Thank God for small favours, eh?
The situation with the IRA and Sinn Fein is not analogous to what is happening in Gaza. The duly elected government of Ireland never stated that England had no right to exist, nor did it launch thousands of rockets into London. Ireland was populated with many factions, some of which were against the IRA and, especially, Sinn Fein. In any case, Britain occupied much of Ireland for years, while Israel has pulled out of Gaza. The agenda of Hamas cannot be compared to the objectives of Sinn Fein at all, nor can the restrained behavior that Israel has shown over the last two years be compared to Britain's oppressive occupation of Ireland. The bottom line is that all countries have the right to protect themselves. Had Hamas not been firing rockets into Israel, Israel would never have been a threat to the people of Gaza. In this current conflict, Israel has done everything it can to limit its attacks to the leadership of Hamas, weapons caches, silos and command centers. But, again, this is a war zone where the aggressors have intentionally positioned themselves in the community because they know that civilian casualties will incite the Arab world and people like you to make anti-Israeli statements.
But the IRA did indeed bomb London and kill civilians. There was no collective punishment for their actions.
What were the Palestinians to do when Fatah was powerless to stop Israel from illegal colonizing their land? Are you suggeting that they should have just taken Gaza and been happy with the status quo? And the 900 new homes that Israel plans to build for young Israeli couples in East Jerusalem? Simply roll over and take that as well?
And the Palestinian right to return to their land (the established state of Palestine)? Is this going to happen if Hamas backs down?
Ideally, what would you have the Palestinians do?
IRA was a faction, not a government that was duly elected by the population of that country. IRA terrorists set off a few bombs in London, but nothing that they did can be compared to what Hamas has been perpetrating against Israel. Again, Hamas believes Israel has no right to exist, while the IRA simply wanted the British army out of Ireland. Israel left Gaza some time ago, yet the rocket attacks escalated.
As for the settlements, I think most people have been appalled by Israel's expansionism. I spoke to an Israeli citizen just last week who is against them, as am I. But this has little to do with the current situation in Gaza, which was ignited by repeated Hamas rocket attacks.
The Palestinians have earned Israeli mistrust over the last 60 years, primarily because radical Muslim factions have used the Palestinian issue to justify the killing of Jews anywhere on the planet. Again, if the Palestinians ever decided that they wanted peace more than dead Israelis, we would see an end to hostilities in that part of the world overnight, and Palestinians would be living freely in one of the most beautiful areas on Earth. Unfortunately, if you know anything about the educational system in the Palestinian communities, the children are all being taught that Jews are baby-killers who hate anyone who isn't Jewish.
With regard to the 'right of return', Israel was formed as a Jewish state. The idea that the Israeli government would permit itself to be voted out of existence by an influx of people who have been raised to hate Israelis is absurd. The people who support the 'right of return' know this, but conveniently fail to mention it in any discussion of the issue.
I don't know why that link didn't come out, so I'll try again. Here are just a few of the rockets the "peaceful" Hamas freaks, soulless soul-mates of Dana and McKinney, have shot a Sderot.
Anyway, while I'm at it, here is some more documentation of the evil the freaks support...
These are the ones the freaks sympathize with, they launch rockets from schoolyards in hopes they won't be targeted because they hide behind their children. It's called PERFIDY, and is illegal under international law. But hey, what's a little lawlessness when your heroes are just trying to kill Jews, eh?
And, don't forget, McKinney has already proven herself as a violent racist freak.
"Well, at least you didn't label me an Anti-Semite." -- Dana
I thought it was obvious enough without saying it. After all, why else would you support cold blooded killers against Jews, anyway?
And how, exactly, is Israel's "colonization" of it's own Land "illegal?" There is no country on earth that has a clearer title to their homeland than Israel does. But never mind reality, when one has the fantasy of a big lie he can use to excuse his hatred of Jews.
Yes, the IRA was definitely not approved of by all Irish. They were a faction that represented themselves and a few like minded terrorists. In that way they were unlike the "Palestinian" IRA equivalents like Fatah, Hamas, PLO, PFLP, AlAqsa, etc., etc., (friends of the IRA, btw). And, unlike the Irish, the Paleostinianz are primitive beasts, by and large. And how could they not be, when those among them who are "collaborators" with civilization have such a short life span?
Honestly now, how could we begrudge the dishonest freaks the aid and comfort they want to give to such "wonderful" people?
I don't think it's useful to demonize an entire group of people. Although, I do think that most Palestinians have a deeply embedded hatred of Israel. Over the last 60 years, Israel has extended an olive branch many times, only to have groups like Hamas intentionally sabotage peace-making efforts. It was Muslims who assassinated Sadat. The objective of Hamas and like-minded groups is to ignite a Holy War between the Arab world and Israel. The more civilian casualties and the more Israel responds to provocations, the better.
"I don't think it's useful to demonize an entire group of people." -- JohnRJ08
To avoid demonizing demons is a profound mistake. Sure, we shouldn't carpet bomb them all, unless that were necessary to ensure our survival. But what Israel does, risking Jewish lives to protect the "innocent" if the enemy, is horribly misguided and totally un-Jewish.
If the vast majority are evil, that is their "national" character. The good ones are the exception. In general, those people are the scum of the earth. I mean, where else could you drag the body of your murder victim down a public thoroughfare and not only not get arrested, but have people cheering you on?
Isreal warned them and asked them to turn around and they didn't.
Now they should have been made fish
food or arrested and passports taken!
Now Israel had made many attempts to make peace to no avail. The have
THE RIGHT to protect themselves.
Especially since they have had missiles fired at them for the past
This is the type, the "certain person" who thinks they can do ANYTHING and get away with it because their skin happens to be dark. OJ, Al, JJ, etc.
Apparently the boat was not "rammed" in international waters:
CNN reported the incident as happening 90 miles from the coast
Arutz Sheva reports as happening 60 miles from the coast.
According to international maritime laws, Israeli waters begin 24 miles from the coast.
But here is the catch, its nautical miles, and 24 nautical miles is exactly 90 statute miles ( So if we go by Arutz Sheva, it happened deep in Israeli waters)....
Another thing, is the continental shelf border stipulation, which makes the border to be somewhere within 200 nautical miles from the coast! Alas i was not able to find any information, on whether Israel claimed any maritime borders within the 200 nautical miles, so the 24 nautical miles will have to suffice for now.
So this was indeed nothing but a provocation, not just picked by CNN, but apparently was done, with CNN full cooperation.
Davion is seriously wrong if he thinks 24 nautical miles is equal to 90 statute miles.
Look it up before you go making up ridiculous numbers to support your story, or you run the risk of sounding like a Cynthia McKinney-type nutjob!
24 NM = 27.62 Statute miles
It explains what those clowns were REALLY up to!
If indeed Dana is an historian, then she is in need of a good education. Although on one point I can agree with here - Palestinians were not responsible for the Holocaust - because at that time, the people known as Palestinian - and carrying a Palestinian passport - were Jewish. Arabs at that time called themselves southern Syrians.
The Jerusalem post was known as the Palestine Post - Jewish.
Gaza does not have the highest density of population in the world, check out Google, of course weeding out the sites that are just spouting propaganda.
I agree that the incidence of the boat was mishandled. They should have been escorted into an Israeli port, the humanitarian goods unloaded, boat and goods inspected, and then goods allowed to be taken to gaza - preferably having to be delivered in trucks driven by those from the boat - and passed through the check point when no cease fire was going on, so that they had a taste of the kassams, grads etc being delivered to Israel in response to the aid flowing to them.
Dana should also know that the PLO was formed years before the so called West Bank and Gaza even came under the control of Israel.
The Arabs sided with the Nazis and according to some historians the Mufti even gave the idea of the extermination of the Jews to Hitler, previously he had only wanted them out of his homeland and then Europe.
He even wanted Hitler to help him set up the same extermination camps in Palestine when he had won the war.
So don't come with them idea that 'Death to the Jews' is only a result of Jews returning and having a homeland called Israel and making the land blossom and give its fruit abundantly.
If Dana does not have the time to research, let her ask questions from reliable sources and then she only has to check the answers.
Not only should the people in the boat pay for the damage to the naval vessel, the boat should have been impounded until the end of the war.
If indeed Dana is an historian, then she is in need of a good education. Although on one point I can agree with here - Palestinians were not responsible for the Holocaust - because at that time, the people known as Palestinian - and carrying a Palestinian passport - were Jewish. Arabs at that time called themselves southern Syrians.
The Jerusalem post was known as the Palestine Post - Jewish.
Gaza does not have the highest density of population in the world, check out Google, of course weeding out the sites that are just spouting propaganda.
I agree that the incidence of the boat was mishandled. They should have been escorted into an Israeli port, the humanitarian goods unloaded, boat and goods inspected, and then goods allowed to be taken to gaza - preferably having to be delivered in trucks driven by those from the boat - and passed through the check point when no cease fire was going on, so that they had a taste of the kassams, grads etc being delivered to Israel in response to the aid flowing to them.
Dana should also know that the PLO was formed years before the so called West Bank and Gaza even came under the control of Israel.
The Arabs sided with the Nazis and according to some historians the Mufti even gave the idea of the extermination of the Jews to Hitler, previously he had only wanted them out of his homeland and then Europe.
He even wanted Hitler to help him set up the same extermination camps in Palestine when he had won the war.
So don't come with them idea that 'Death to the Jews' is only a result of Jews returning and having a homeland called Israel and making the land blossom and give its fruit abundantly.
If Dana does not have the time to research, let her ask questions from reliable sources and then she only has to check the answers.
Not only should the people in the boat pay for the damage to the naval vessel, the boat should have been impounded until the end of the war.
Annee-- one of the best informed posts I've read on a blog in a long time. I had forgotten all about the contact the Germans had with Arab leaders previous to the break out of WWII. This is something you don't hear about much anymore, but it is well-documented history.
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