Americans want Obama to lay off Israel

There's a great poll out on American attitudes about Israel and the 'Palestinians' and it might give the Obama White House some pause about
pushing Israel to endanger its security.
Only 19 percent of Americans think "making peace between Israel and the Palestinians" should be among President-elect Barack Obama's top priorities foreign policy priorities, according to a recent poll of voters conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and commissioned by The Israel Project.
Of those polled, only 6 percent think the United States should stand behind the Palestinians in the Middle East peace talks.
Comparatively, 66 percent of those polled said the U.S. should support Israel in the peace process. Some 80 percent of GOP voters and 59 percent of Democratic were among those backing U.S. support for Israel.
Obviously, this is good news for Israel. While an Israeli government that asks the US to impose a settlement could still get us into a lot of trouble, so long as that is not the case, it seems that the American people still back Israel, even if Obama does not. And since Obama undoubtedly wishes to stand for re-election in 2012 (and keep the Democratic majority in Congress in 2010), there may still be some hope that he will not make Israel an early target of his administration. But wait. There's more.
America now faces at home," 58 percent of those polled agreed more with the statement that "America needs to stand with Israel" than with "Israel needs to take care of itself."
Almost two-thirds of Americans said they were more concerned about the nuclear standoff with Iran; some 72 percent of those polled agreed with the statement that "even with all the problems that America faces at home now, we must still work hard to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons."
Look for the moonbats over at
J Street to issue a poll claiming that the only thing that interests the American people is for Obama to bring 'peace' to Israel.
The sad thing is that with Livni in office, there is little difference between the Israeli and American plans.
These people live in total delusion. I have seen it myself so many times.
You're probably right about a J-Street poll, something similar happened 11 years ago.
But then Greenberg is a Democratic pollster, I wonder who J-Street would commission to "prove" that their view is the dominant one of American Jews.
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