Blair's moonbat sister-in-law: Gaza like Darfur and concentration camp

In a telephone interview with Ynet on Wednesday, Booth slammed Israel's policies and called Gaza "the largest concentration camp in the world today. I was startled the Israelis agreed to this.”It goes without saying that Booth's comparisons are ridiculous. No one is forcing the 'Palestinians' to do forced labor in the freezing cold and shooting stragglers as was done in the concentration camps. No one is marching 'Palestinians' into the gas chambers as was done in the concentration camps. And no one is conducting an ethnic cleansing of the 'Palestinians' as their Muslim brethren are doing to the blacks of Darfur.
Despite her current predicament, Booth said she has no regrets. "My children are the ones who are suffering, because I'm being prevented from leaving and they can't see me. I don't regret it, because I wanted to come here and help these children who are suffering on a daily basis," she said.
Booth asserted that the current siege is not the result of the policies of the Hamas government. "There's been a siege for 20 years already. Palestinians' freedom of movement has been restricted since the 80s. This is an inexcusable outrage on an international level."
She spoke of the situation in Gaza and said, “Yesterday, I visited mothers of children under the age of five. Nutrition here has deteriorated threefold over the last two years because it is impossible to bring food through the crossings. Unemployment has risen, so people can't even afford to buy what food there is left."
When asked about Israel's right to respond to incessant attacks emanating from Gaza, Booth evoked Holocaust-related rhetoric. "There is no right to punish people this way. There is no justification for this kind of collective punishment. You were in the concentration camps, and I can’t believe that you are allowing the creation of such a camp yourselves.”
“The Palestinians’ suffering is physical, mental and emotional," she went on, "there is not a family here in which someone is not in desperate need of work, shelter or food. This is a humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur.
But what's most curious about this piece is that there is no reaction - and maybe no attempt to solicit a reaction - from the one person who make Booth irrelevant: Tony Blair.
One person Booth doesn't think is doing enough, is her brother in law Blair. “I don’t think he has a real idea of what's going on here. I think that the Israeli government is working very hard to keep him in the dark.”I doubt it. Blair can go to Gaza whenever he wants. Of course, his last trip was canceled because Booth's friends threatened to kill him. That was nearly two months ago.
Finally, for those of you sympathize with Booth because you found her picture somewhat attractive (come on guys, you know who you are), I've been cheating you a little bit. That picture at the top of this post, which I have used before, is from 1998. Here's a more recent picture.

Elder of Ziyon noted how much Gaza resembled a concentration camp.
And of course the cupboard in Gaza are all bare.
Right a concentration camp and Darfur. Shall we send her back in time to a real concentration camp? Then let her complain.
Moonbats! Should be sterilized and put out to die.
send her to Gaza as well as to Darfur.....
she will learn that Israeli will save her from been taken as a sex slave
and Arab will take the her as a sex slave, as soon as they will see her alone
Not even the Arabs would want her as a sex slave.
Takes a look at these photos:
Are they fake? Are they created with Photoshop?
If Gaza is starving then what is going on here?
Not much too look at. If a person's soul isn't beautiful, their appearance can be deceptive!
Norman - I meant look at how well stocked the shelves are in the grocery store.
another wannabe celeb who's expecting to come back from her 'terrible' ordeal, which of course she's actually enjoying, to come back to the UK and spend more time on promoting herself and a book that will inevitably come out rather than actually helping those she is using as the basis of her new found celebrityhood. How pathetic.
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