The SuperPharm drugstore chain in Tel Aviv removed a line of Dutch candies (which had a Kashruth certificate, no less) from its shelves on Friday after discovering that stick-on tattoos for children that come with the candies have swastickas and skulls (note especially the picture at top left of the four below).
Children who bought the raspberry-flavored sour stick candies received tattoos inside, some of which were imprinted with swastikas and skulls.There's that typical Israeli "ta'iti" ("I made a mistake"). No one is accountable. You wonder where the government gets it from? It's ingrained in the society here. It's a societal malaise from the Knesset on down.
As mentioned, these are imported candies, but the packaging promises in Hebrew that a gift can be found inside.
Yedioth Tel Aviv discovered that the candies with the stickers were sold in a number of Super-Pharm stores in the city.
The chain responded by saying, “As soon as the issue was brought to our attention, we removed the product from the shelves in order to return it to the supplier.”
The marketing company, Guri Import and Distribution Ltd., said in response that “the product is imported in a closed package from the manufacturer in Holland. We turned to the company that provided us with tattoos that were added to the clear packaging.
"As a result of complaints that the tattoos have pictures of swastikas, we stopped the distribution and sent our workers out to the stores to remove the packages from the shelves. We apologize to our customers for their distress."
/A little cynicism for a Friday afternoon.
Great post name, Carl!
That's gonna score you big in the LGF linkviewer for sure ;)
Accountability is not a native Hebrew word. No one in Israel takes responsibility for anything!
While it is unfortunate that these were sent to Israel it is likely that the stickers came from India.
From Wikipedia
In South Asia, the swastika remains ubiquitous as a symbol of wealth and good fortune. In India and Nepal, electoral ballot papers are stamped with a round swastika-like pattern (to ensure that the accidental ink imprint on the other side of a folded ballot paper can be correctly identified as such), so that this variant of the symbol is connected with political elections. Many businesses and other organisations, such as the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange and the Nepal Chamber of Commerce[64], use the swastika in their logos. The red swastika was suggested as an emblem of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in India and Sri Lanka, but the idea was not implemented [3]. Swastikas can be found practically everywhere in Indian cities, on buses, buildings, auto-rickshaws, and clothing.
No wonder India is so popular with Israelis :-(
The thing is that the swastika in India has none of the historical connotations that it does in the west. The symbol was preempted by the third reich - not created out of whole cloth. Wikipedia has a good article explaining the history of the symbol - which apparently goes back at least a couple thousand years.
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