'Palestinians' threaten the 'one-state solution'

"If Israel continues to reject our propositions regarding the borders [of a future Palestinian state], we might demand Israeli citizenship," top Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) was quoted by Reuters as saying overnight Sunday.Actually, the 'Palestinian leadership' (now there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one) has worked to ensure that the 'Palestinians' will continue to believe that they never have to compromise, that their
Speaking in a discussion with Fatah supporters in Ramallah, Qurei said the solution of two states for two peoples can only become a reality if Israel agrees to the Palestinians' demands and withdraws from the territory they claim as their own.
A Palestinian source estimated that Qurei's comments reflected his pessimism regarding the sides' ability to reach an agreement on borders in the foreseeable future.
"The Palestinian leadership has worked to establish an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 [pre-Six Day War] borders, but if Israel continues to resist making this a reality - then the Palestinians' demand for the sake of the Palestinian people will be a solution of one state for both nationalities," Qurei told his listeners.
Arutz Sheva reports that many Israelis aren't taking the 'Palestinian' threats seriously.
It is not clear how much of a threat a binational state is to the Israeli people. A poll carried out by KEEVOON Research, Strategy & Communications in late July, indicated that just 7 percent of Israeli Jews consider "demographic issues" to be the "greatest threat facing Israel." The survey was conducted among 500 Jewish Israelis over 18 years of age. The top three threats, of approximately equal concern to Israelis, were regional countries, corruption and poverty.We've heard these threats before. The 'Palestinians' are not in a position to back them up. If the 'Palestinians' actually follow through and make the demand, I would hope that the Israeli response would be to offer each 'Palestinian' a cash incentive to leave and re-settle elsewhere. But the odds of this government doing something that creative are not good.
I have never really gotten the whole "Demographic" problem. They are a smaller population than the Russians, and even easier to neutralize. If they did become citizens, they would HAVE to abide Israeli law. 1 wife, and beating her is a criminal offense. Anyone having served for a federal crime, could loose his voting rights like in the USA.
If the Muslim population didn't tow the line they would find themselves back into the position they started, but bound (internationally) by Israels criminal courts; subject to expulsion. If they do tow the line.. then who cares if they are citizens.
As an add-on you could strip voting rights from anyone who doesn't serve in the army (which should be a 3 year civics brainwashing course). Israeli leftists are dumb enough to vote for this, thinking it would neutralize Haredim (which would promptly flood the army, and alternative programs).
Another way to stop this stupidity is to counter-demand that any "Palestinian" who wants Israeli citizenship has to convert to Judaism first and prove it in a Rabbinical court.
Simple response. This will happen when the Jews of the Middle East Diaspora Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Iran, Syria who were absorbed by Israel after the Arab League attack of 48' are fully compensated for their loss of land, financial holdings and business's. This must include all of the ancestors of these displaced Jews. So 750,000 Jewish Refugees, and their ancestors which would put us at a number of around 4 million Jews each due compensation. The obvious response will be NO. So the obvious response to the powerless Pali's is NO. Go home to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, wherever. Take the clothes on your back and leave. Reparations for reparations. Nothing more nothing less. Israel is here to stay. Enough nonsense. There will be no Gaza bridge. Gaza will look like Chechnya after Hamas next attack. Only Snake Pliskin will enter. Judea and Samaria are Israel. Collect from the Arabs, and let them live in their Palestinian state of Jordan! Enough. No more Oslo. No more Camp David. No more Bullshit. The whole damn world hates and condemns Israel anyway. Time for them to pack their donkeys and leave, just like any other murderous enemy of a state that attacks. They become refugees. And while they're at it will they please move the UN to Jordanian/Palestine. I'm sick of looking at it here on the East River. I keep thinking what great housing on the river could be put up there. Hell. we, could have put the new Jet's stadium there and gotten my team back to the city.
But seriously, enough is enough already. Time for Israel to stop caring what the world thinks. Trust me here in what many call Jew York, they hate Israel. And this is New York!!! We have Millions of Jews living here and the papers, non-jews, they can't stand Israel. When I travel to Europe it gets exponentially worse. Time to end the facade of Arabs living in Israel. Yhey have plenty of places to go. And loads of oil money to support their deportation. They aren't headed to Aushwitz, or Buchenwald, just across the river and the valley's. Say goodbye to them forever.
In other words, Israel is asked to choose between a slow painful death or a death by a bullet. Some compromise! How do your compromise on your own demise? That's some "deal" the Palis are offering Israel. Israel should tell them if that's their notion of co-existence they should all be sent packing to a country where they can live out their dream of being part of an Arab majority. There's no rule on earth that says Israel has to make way for them!
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