'Blockade-running' boats leave for Gaza Tuesday?
I'll bet some of you were wondering what happened to those 'blockade-running' boats that were supposed to leave Cyprus on August 5. I was wondering too, so I went over to the Free Gaza website to get an update. It seems that they had an extra stop on the way.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SS Free Gaza and SS Liberty Arrive in Chania, Crete, Sunday, 10 August at 19:30 p.m. For further information, contact: +6932 766496 for directions or Greta Berlin, +357 99 08 17 67Except that they were supposed to leave Crete on the 5th and Cyprus on the 12th.
From Cyprus to GazaAnd here's a picture of one of the boats.
August 5: Boat leaves Greece, picks up passengers in Cyprus.
August 12: Boats leave Cyprus for Gaza
Free Gaza and Liberty have set sail!
(05.08.2008) "We wish to announce that the boats Free Gaza and Liberty have set sail beginning their journey to Gaza. Wish us well! More details will follow..."

Israel should sink these hostile craft. But Israel is not capable of the Realpolitik brutality the Russians demonstrate towards their enemies.
I hope that if and when they try their stupid propaganda trick, the Israeli Navy blasts a few holes in the hulls. The loony moonbats will have to concentrate on not sinking rather than running Israeli territorial waters.
Cannon fodder. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
Target practice for the Israeli Navy.
my son, however misguided, is on that boat - so if he's not on the boat, blast away
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