Olmert: Hezbullah's 'scared to death' of Israel

In the interview, to be included in Friday's edition, the prime minister said he did not regret his decision to start the Second Lebanon War, and reiterated the position by which he would not hesitate to respond in the same manner if Hizbullah were to perform similar acts in the future.Is there anything Olmert won't say or give away to keep himself in office?
"I don't regret my decision (to start) the war," Olmert said, adding that one of its most significant outcomes was the peace currently prevalent on the northern border. "It has been two years since a shell last fell on that area and this is thanks to the new deterring balance. Hizbullah is very cautious, and is careful not to disrupt this balance. It is the one that has lost, and everyone knows Hizbullah fears a confrontation with Israel. It's scared to death."
The prime minister also spoke regarding the negotiations with Syria and the Palestinians, and expressed hopes that his government would acquire peace on both fronts shortly. He stressed that an agreement with the Palestinians could be accomplished by the end of US President George W. Bush's term.
By the way, did anyone else notice the irony in Olmert's 'defense team' saying yesterday that they want two seven-hour sessions to cross-examine Olmert's laundryman, while Olmert - who will be questioned on Friday for the third time by the police's National Fraud Squad - has limited his interrogation to two hours?
Send in the clowns to fight Hezbollah! If I was Hassan Nasrallah, I'd be on the floor pounding my fists howling with laughter. You know - when the Winograd Commission decided Ehud Olmert didn't really have to go, Olmert decided he didn't do anything wrong. He has the same view of the corruption charges swirling around him. No one's scared to death of Olmert.
He even looks like Olmert!
Why does Olmert say that he started the war? The Hizbonazis started the war by crossing the border into Israel to attack a tank crew, killing several soldiers and kidnapping Regev and Goldwasser. Olmert doesn't even know the basic facts of a historical event. Amazing!
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