Joy over Kuntar's release shows evil of Arab society

Lebanon has just formed a national unity government under a Qatar-brokered deal, in which Hizbullah has two ministers and veto power. Lebanon's prime minister, Fuad Saniora [pictured below, crying during the Second Lebanon War. CiJ], has indicated that his government supports the festivities planned for Kuntar. A recent statement issued by Saniora's office said he shared with the Lebanese people the joy of the upcoming release of prisoners by Israel, including that of Kuntar.

The media will doubtless have a field day. Kuntar's homecoming will likely be broadcast live on Lebanese television and, via Al-Jazeera, all over the Arab world.The sick pathology of 'Palestinian' society - and of Arab society generally has murdered many innocents over the years. And while four-year old Einat Haran was brutally murdered (graphic description at the link) - her head smashed against the rocks by Kuntar with his rifle butt - unfortunately she is not the only child to be brutally murdered. Most of my readers may not remember five-year old Danielle Shefi HY"D (may God avenge her blood) who was murdered in a Saturday morning terror attack on the village of Adura in April 2002. Here's what happened to Danielle as told by her mother, Sheri:
However, the Lebanese people and government - and those others in the Arab world, including among the Palestinians, so delighted by Kuntar's release - might want to ask themselves whether this monster is worthy of such glorification. Is he the kind of man they want as their idol? And if so, what does that say about them?
PERHAPS Kuntar's supporters should read the eerie recollection of Smadar Haran Kaiser, now remarried with two children, of his terror cell.
"I will never forget the joy and the hatred in their voices as they swaggered about hunting for us, firing their guns and throwing grenades," she wrote in an article for The Washington Post. "I emphasized the joy and hatred in their voices for a reason.
"It is hard for anyone with normal sensibilities to comprehend how someone can feel joy and hatred while smashing in the head of a four-year-old child. What kind of pathology can cause a society to celebrate such evil?"
As quickly as it had all started it was finished. The terrorists were fleeing with armed villagers in close pursuit. Soldiers were on the way. Rescue workers were quick to respond. Y’acov, feeling as though he were in a terrible dream, was escorted to his house. He knew that the other terrorist had entered his home. When they arrived, they found his wife, Sheri, hysterical. His two little boys were crying uncontrollably. There seemed to be blood everywhere. Sensing the worst he looked around for his little girl. Then, as the nightmare continued, he saw a small body, wrapped in a blanket, being carried down the stairs. Y’acov knew it belonged to his little five year old Danielle and that she was gone forever from them. He went to his wife and two sons. Sheri was bleeding from her hand and his 4 year old son, Aliad, was bleeding profusely from a head wound as well as other wounds. Only baby Orial seemed to be unscathed. His little sons were crying, "Daddy, Daddy!!" Sheri sobbed, "They have murdered two of our children." He said, "No, Sheri, they have killed Danielle. Aliad will live." With tears streaming down his face he took his baby boy in his arms, comforting him along with his wounded wife and son. He looked over at his little daughter’s body, wondering how life could ever go on without her, his treasure.And here's a description written on the Arutz Sheva website at the time:
Later, in the hospital, Sheri was able to tell her husband what had happened:
She was upstairs in the children’s room with the three children, 5-year old Danielle, and the two little boys, 4-year old Aliad and Orial, 14-months. She was sitting on the bed combing Danielle’s hair. Suddenly a man burst into the room with a machine gun, spraying bullets everywhere. He was dressed as an Israeli soldier. Her mind could not comprehend why he was shooting them. She jumped up and cried, "What are you doing? Get out of here!" Then she pushed him out of the room and shut the door behind him. He didn’t come back. Danielle, Aliad and Sheri were all bleeding. She could see that the two older children had head wounds. Sheri was terrified the assassin would return. She grabbed the baby and told the two older children to quickly get under the big bed. Then she crawled under the adjacent bed with baby Orial. She whispered to the children, "Be very quiet." When there was no sound from under the bed next to her she thought they were just being good, staying quiet. After a few minutes Sheri realized that Danielle was barely breathing. Both the older children were very white. Then, slowly, Danielle stopped breathing. Sheri knew her child was dead. She lifted the children from under the bed. The room seemed to be bathed in blood. At that point Sheri became incoherent with grief and shock. The terrorist’s bullets had shattered everything in the room, including their own precious children. And he had shattered their lives forever.
The assasin had shot over 13 rounds of bullets into the house. For some reason that Y’acov and Sheri still cannot understand, Sheri heard nothing until the fateful moment the man entered the children’s room. The thick stone walls of the Israeli built house had effectively silenced the sound of the violence. None of the noise in the street, or the machine gun spraying her home with bullets downstairs had registered. Thus she had no time to protect herself until the terror was upon her.
The next day little Danielle was buried in the local cemetery, still clothed in the clothes she was wearing, and wrapped in a small dark blue burial cloth. Many attended the graveside service, accompanying the small body to its final resting place. Sheri too was there, hand bandaged, with Y’acov supporting her. Four-year old Aliad remained in the hospital.
The five-year-old victim was killed when a terrorist entered her home and shot her as she lay in her bed. Photographs of the little girl's bedroom show her Mickey Mouse sheets soaked with blood; her mother and two brothers were wounded.Little Einat Haran was brutally murdered. Unfortunately, she is not the only Jewish child to be so murdered, and Samir al-Kuntar is not the only child murderer to be celebrated by 'Palestinian' and Arab 'culture.' The Arab 'culture' of blood is brutal, bloody and despicable. It is the same 'culture' that produces 'honor killings' and child marriages. Until the West recognizes it for what it is and stops treating it with multi-culti kid gloves, we will never be able to deal with it.
As for the supposedly 'moderate' Fouad Saniora, with whom I once thought we could reach an accommodation, I won't cry if the next time Hezbullah rampages through Beirut, someone puts a bullet in his head. Einat Haran deserves to be avenged.
What I don't understand Carl - is why no one in the IDF takes on himself to have Samir Kuntar shot dead. Nothing in the deal says Israel has to return that butcher of a Jewish family alive. You know my feeling already. That would be more than Hezbollah deserves and I don't see why Israel has to keep that promise to them.
Let's be real....
The arab world praises suicide bombers...
It is not new....
The sons of Ishmael are jackasses...
Rather than attempt to understand, get along, or compromise with them there is only one way.
Build a wall....
Expel any terrorists found within israel's population, strip the citizenship of them and expel them...
As for terrorists that are captured WHILE committing attacks?
On the battlefield execution...
Maybe the best thing for the entire world is to SEE how the arab world supporters child killers....
and when these murderers INFECT the countries of the world and cause mayhem in their own societies I shall laugh....
France, enjoy your 100 cars a night burning on the streets...
England, prepare for dhimmihood
Russia? ENJOY Chechnen "freedom fighters"
The Lebanese and all Arabs and followers of that obscene book, the Koran, are pathetic, disgusting swine to consider bloodthirsty killers and murderers of civilians and children their national heros.
Little wonder that so many of them prefer suicide to living among such cretins.
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