Egypt opens, re-closes Rafah border

Egypt has shut down the Rafiah border after dozens of Arabs stoned Egyptian soldiers in an attempt to force their way into the Sinai Peninsula, foreign news agencies reported. The border was re-opened in the morning to allow Gaza Arabs to cross onto the Egyptian side for medical treatment and to visit families.Al-AP adds that the 'Palestinians' got past the Hamas 'security forces' at the fence but were held back by Egyptian troops using water cannons in response to their stones. The 'Palestinians' have accused Egypt of reneging on a deal to open the crossing, but the Egyptians say that the 'Palestinians' violated the deal by trying to send through people who did not fit one of the three categories (medical patients, students and persons with residence permits in Arab countries) who were entitled to cross. Some 6000 people meet the criteria but the Egyptians allowed only 150 through on Tuesday and only intended to allow some 200 through on Wednesday.
Egypt has intended to leave the crossing open for two days but was forced to shut it, fearing that Gaza Arabs would overrun border personnel. Terrorists blew op the border barrier last January, allowing a stampede of hundreds of thousands of terrorists and civilians.
You'd think they were selling tickets to a rock concert on the other side....
Here's raw video of the 'Palestinians' throwing rocks at the Egyptians. It's so nice to see them throwing rocks at someone else for a change. Let's go to the videotape.
It's hot out here today. Maybe they just wanted to cool off under the water cannons.
shoot them
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