The countryless city
At Snapped Shot, Brian notes a rush by al-Reuters, which had accidentally filed a dispatch from "Jerusalem, Israel" to correct the dispatch such that
Jerusalem is not located in any country. Brian adds:
Please notice that the area in which they are meeting ("Beit Agion," [Should probably be Beit Agron. CiJ] according to the redacted caption) is an actual part of Israel, existing well within the the pre-1967 borders of West Jerusalem.
Of course, such "facts" aren't important to the terror-apologists of Reuters, and the hordes of peacemongers who'd gladly give all of Jerusalem to the Arabs, with or without any actual resulting peace.
But hey, as long as it's Israel that's up for sale, no price is too much for these clowns.

REFILE-CORRECTING LOCATION Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (R) escorts U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to her seat at the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem January 9, 2008. REUTERS/Larry Downing (JERUSALEM)
Read the whole thing.
For what its worth, the State Department lists Jerusalem without a country as well in its description of overseas locations. And we're supposed to believe a Jew-hating racist and bigot like Condie Rice is a friend of the Jewish people? Yeah, right.
Okay, now I've got chills down my spine. Given, esp., that the part of Jerusalem they are in is the west part.
Do you guys ever get discouraged knowing (suspecting) that this junk will never be over, until the world ends? I realize that's a horribly depressing thing to say, but if it depresses _me_, a Protestant Christian American, how much more it must depress an Israeli Jew!
This is an old State Department paranoia. If it were the State Department that had expunged the name of the country, I would not be surprised. Al-Reuters apparently considers it 'biased' to say that any part of Jerusalem is located in Israel.
Do you guys ever get discouraged knowing (suspecting) that this junk will never be over, until the world ends?
No because nothing beats a good "I told you so".
Yes, the State Department expunges documents, too. Its Orwellian. What country are Jerusalemites citizens of? Its a question that deserves an answer.
"What country are Jerusalemites citizens of?"
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