D-Day: March 21, 2008

There's now even an official opening date: March 21, 2008. That's the day that Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor is expected to be online to provide Iran's '
energy needs' now that the Russians have decided to give them nuclear fuel. (
Hat Tip: Holger Awakens)
Russia, which is building the Bushehr plant for Iran, started delivering nuclear fuel to the facility a week ago as part of a compromise effort to alleviate concerns over Iran's nuclear intentions while supporting Iran's right to a nuclear energy program.
Iran also said Sunday it "will soon announce international tender for construction of 19 new 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plants," according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency, or IRNA, citing Kazem Jalali, an official with the parliament's national security and foreign policy commission.
Jalali said the measure would be "taken in line with" the parliament's approval "for generating 20,000 megawatt of electricity to meet domestic demands," the IRNA report said.
Fattah told reporters Saturday that the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which was previously expected to be completed last September, will become operational on March 21, 2008, according to Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, or IRIB.
The plant will deliver 500 megawatts of electricity to the power grid by summer and 1,000 megawatts by March 2009, IRIB reported.
A statement on the Russian Foreign Ministry's official Web site last week said Iran had provided additional written guarantees that the fuel can only be used at and for the Bushehr plant, and that the spent fuel will be returned to Russia for utilization and storage.
Those 'guarantees' are worth about as much as the paper on which they are written. And the world is silent.
The world wouldn't shed tears if Israel disappeared.
Suffice it to recall not one country lifted a finger to help Israel on the eve of the Six Day War.
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