Hamastan Studios and Theme Park: Will Disney be asked to pitch in?

Fresh off their success in creating Farfour the Mouse and Nahoul the Bee, Hamas is planning to open a movie studio and theme park in the Gaza Strip to entertain all their 'starving' people. Cost: $200 million. Given the $20 million per month in cash being smuggled into the Gaza Strip, it shouldn't be that hard to raise the money! But they claim they have only raised $1 million to date. Got to get those dhimmis to pay some more jizya.
Hamas envisions a glittering facility with production and graphics studios, satellite technology, gardens, water ponds, a children's entertainment area and an array of cafes and restaurants, said the Felasteen daily, a Hamas paper.I wonder if they will ask Disney to help them out with the planning. After all, the 'Palestinians' seem to adore Disney characters given the amazing resemblance Farfour had to Mickey Mouse.
It will even feature mock towns and villages similar to those that Palestinians fled or were forced out after Israel's creation in 1948, the newspaper reported, quoting Fathi Hamad, a Hamas lawmaker and head of the project.
Hamad said the project's directors have raised $1 million (€700,000, a small fraction of the $200 million (€140 million) price tag. He said he was confident the group could raise the rest from local donations and from Palestinians living abroad.
Hamas launched a satellite channel last year, offering bearded young men reading the news, and Islamic music layered over footage of masked militants firing rockets into Israel. Hamas loyalists also run at least five news Web sites, two newspapers and a radio station.
Talal Okal, a Palestinian political writer close to Hamas, said finding the money would be difficult, but not impossible, because of Hamas' network of supporters in the Arab world.
He said the announcement was an important first step toward obtaining full control over the media. "(Hamas) realizes the importance of the media," Okal said.
Under Hamas, press freedom is limited in Gaza.
Hamas officials refuse to speak to Palestinian journalists who have not applied for Hamas press cards, and the group often harasses reporters who are not loyalists.
On Tuesday, Hamas police stormed the house of reporter Hisham Sakallah, an editor of a local news Web site, and confiscated his computer and archives.
The first movie Hamas plans to shoot will be based on a novel by one of its hard-line leaders in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, the report said. Zahar has written seven novels, including a 1980 romance called "Beautiful Woman."
A movie is also planned about Izzedine al-Qassam, an admired preacher who led a Palestinian revolt in the 1930s against the British and Jews in Palestine. Hamas' military wing is named for the charismatic leader.
There is no word yet as to whether Saraa Barhoum will be employed there.
But something tells me they ought to fix the sewers first (Hat Tip: Nathan in Teaneck, New Jersey).
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It will even feature mock towns and villages similar to those that Palestinians fled or were forced out after Israel's creation in 1948, the newspaper reported, quoting Fathi Hamad, a Hamas lawmaker and head of the project.
And the towns and greenhouses that the animals trashed when the Jews left?
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