US pressuring Israel to expel more Jews from their homes

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has ordered Prime Minister Ehud K. Olmert to prop up the terrorist regime of 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President
The U.S. has renewed pressure on Israel to evacuate illegal outposts in the West Bank and has asked Jerusalem to broaden efforts to help West Bank Palestinians in the run-up to the Annapolis peace summit next month.And no one should expect President Bush to come to the rescue either:
During talks in Jerusalem late last week, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley said the U.S. expects Israel to take measures that will assist Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Hadley's message was that if Israel wants to delay the discussions on the core issues - refugees, Jerusalem and borders - it must help the Palestinians change the situation on the ground and evacuate the outposts.
Hadley also made it clear that the White House is fully coordinated with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, dismissing any impression that Rice is acting independently and that her efforts do not enjoy the backing of President George W. Bush.So far, at least, Rice is not puling Olmert's strings hard enough.
A political source in Jerusalem said yesterday that Olmert will not remove outposts before the Annapolis summit.In other words, even Olmert understands that Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu may be forced to resign from his coalition if the police start beating heads in like they did at Amona last year. On the other hand, if Feigele were in charge, the police would already be beating heads in:
"He will not light a fire or [cause] internal disputes and then take off for Annapolis," the source said.
However, Foreign Minister Livni has said that "we will have to do something about the outposts."But Olmert is preparing more 'gestures' to the 'Palestinians,' including freeing more terrorists from prisons and removing roadblocks so that the terrorists can travel freely from place to place. And all for Condi Rice's legacy.
Livni and her aides believe that the years of backpedaling on the issue of outposts offers the Palestinians a negotiating advantage vis-a-vis Israel's security demands.
Olmert and Barak discussed the outposts in one of their meetings recently, and agreed to continue, for the time being, discussions with the Yesha Council on evacuating by accord. To date, the discussions with Yesha, which represents settlers, have come to naught.
"We will not wait for the settlers forever," a political source said. "Evacuation by accord will be the least painful, but if this doesn't work, we will evacuate them without accord."
Please see the excellent article in the British Spectator:
Occasionally, even the British press publishes the truth.
The lethal illusion
Monday, 29th October 2007
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US may be putting pressure on this "piece by piece" plan but ultimately it is Israel that needs to straighten their act. I don't think Israeli citizens should so much point fingers at our government because ultimately it is up to Israel. If we get Shillary as our next president, Israel will certainly need a strong leader. I am tired of other Jewish Israeli bloggers always pointing fingers at the US but rarely at their own government. You Carl, are pretty equal on blaming both sides so I have no qualms with you, but when will Israel "grow up" so to speak? One day Israel just needs to say "screw you USA" we are doing it our own way! ...
As long as that doesn't mean giving away to their land to a fake, mythical cause known as 'Palestine' to those carpetbaggers claiming to be "Palestinians"....
The last few weeks - where I have been blaming Condi a lot - are a rarity for me. I usually blame the Israeli government exclusively. And the truth is that Condi is taking Olmert in the direction in which HE wants to be taken. I'm not convinced he has support for it even within the government.
The last few weeks - where I have been blaming Condi a lot - are a rarity for me. I usually blame the Israeli government exclusively. And the truth is that Condi is taking Olmert in the direction in which HE wants to be taken. I'm not convinced he has support for it even within the government.
I do not blame you, she has deserved the blame, and in fact you could have torn her to shreds but you did not. She is a major disappointment and in my home we have been discussing this exact issue and we are extremely upset with her. What upsets me just as much is the fact that you say that "Condi is taking Olmert in the direction in which HE wants to be taken", that is scary! I wish the best for your country Carl, that land is yours and you and your country are always in my prayers. Keep up the good work.
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